WHMCS One Page Checkout – WHMCS Cart – WHMCS Order Pages Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WHMCS One Page Checkout – WHMCS Cart – WHMCS Order Pages Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Elite Author

Tested with latest WHMCS.8.12 & WP 6.7. WHMCS Module that is used with this plugin is updated on our site is compatible with the latest WHMCS and PHP 8.3

The single factor behind WP-WHMCS integration efforts is giving users a better ordering/buying experience. It is how visitors convert into customers.

If you use WordPress & WHMCS, then WHMCS Cart & Order Pages (WCOP) can be your best choice for your WHMCS Checkout for WordPress needs.

WHMCS Cart & Order Pages (WCOP) has beautifully designed order pages, which are feature-rich and user-friendly

WCOP offers ten different WHMCS Order Page templates/workflows to offer WHMCS checkout within WordPress, including its famous one-page checkout.

WHMCS WordPress Integration offers the best support

1. Consistent Order Process:Usually WHMCS links in WP will redirect to WHMCS for product configuration and final checkout. With WCOP, you can do everything within WP.

2. Add Multiple Products:It is not easy for users to order the product the first time from your WP site, get redirected to WHMCS, and select more products (this involves them in two different environments). Let your users add multiple products to the cart while browsing your WordPress site (In standard ordering), An authentic shopping experience

3. WHMCS Cart within WordPress:Manage current orders through shopping cart visible throughout the WP site (In standard ordering).

Compatible with Avada Fusion Builder & WP bakery page builder aka Visual Composer

Increase your online conversion rate and eCommerce revenue with a powerful one-page checkout for WHMCS. The fully responsive checkout is optimized to simplify and expedite the purchasing process.

The One Page Checkout optimizes the checkout process for your WHMCS to be simple and responsive for users on any device. By reducing the steps needed to submit an order, customers are more likely to complete the process and thereby increase your online profits and conversion rate.

WHMCS All Order Page Templates - Quick checkout

  • Optional top navigation allows users to seamlessly navigate between sections.
  • Preselect Addons for specific products.
  • Hide unwanted sections to keep the order process slick and clean. You can hide the Products section, Additional Services, Add-ons, Hide Promo code, etc
  • Use service groups or ids to filter from services to order
  • Filter out non-domain products, when the customer selects domain first.
  • Read full features of WHMCS one page checkout on WHMPress.com

WHMCS Cart & Order Page Features

  1. Option to change currency within the WP website.
  2. Auto apply promo code for your campaigns.
  3. Fully responsive WHMCS order page template (WHMCS checkout from)
  4. Display WHMCS cart count and details within WordPress header
  5. Customized templates in an efficient way, saving your customizations during updates.
  6. Native WordPress techniques used, easy to customize using custom CSS.
  7. Ajax based carts
  8. Complete domain search, Domain registration, and Transfer features.
  9. Supports Product Configurable Options, Add-ons, and Custom Fields.
  10. Supports new client sign ups along with client custom fields.
  11. All order page WHMCS templates are completely based on WHMCS-API
  12. All order pages template WHMCS response templates
  13. Customizable WHMCS cart template to show in WP header.

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WHMCS Cart & Order Pages Reviews

Why do web hosting companies need WHMCS Order Cart integration with WordPress?


When you use WHMCS with WordPress, your products on sales pages in WordPress and are linked to WHMCS. When a user clicks buy button, the user is redirected to WHMCS. If a customer needs to add another product, he will either user WHMCS for it (which will offer a different experience than WordPress), or he will have to come back all the way

So customer ends up in

  1. Buying the product from WP but configures in WHMCS
  2. Buying the first product in WP, but rest in WHMCS

As a result, the buyer feels uncomfortable switching between WHMCS and WordPress and resulting in cart abandonment.


Provide customers with a more consistent experience purchase experience with WordPress. This can be easily achieved with WHMCS Cart & Order Pages for WordPress.

We specializes in making responsive Order Process & Cart WHMCS Templates for WordPress

The traditional techniques of modifying premium WHMCS themes/templates to match order processes with your WordPress site is outdated now. With this WHMCS Plugin, you can have Custom WHMCS Template for ordering pages within the WordPress site. This solution has every tool to make the WHMCS shopping cart experience seamlessly integrate with your complex WordPress theme.

Note:Along with WHMCS API, WCAP uses WHMPress Helper – a custom extended WHMCS API for extended Ajax functionality. WHMPress is installed as an add-on module in WHMCS. WHMPress helper is not part of the WordPress Plugin; you can download it from the link provided in download package.

Note 2:
If you are using a Tokenized Payment gateway, you will not save customers billing information during the order for any of WHMCS order form templates. The customer will be taken to the invoice page, where he will pay (just like third-party gateways).

WHMPress – WHMCS WP Integration Stack, is a series of plugins designed and built for web hosts who sell with WHMCS & WordPress as frontend. Each plugin works independently and yet collaborates with other WHMPress plugins when installed.

There are three plugins in WHMPress WP-WHMCS Integration Stack.

  1. WHMCS Sale Pages for WordPress
  2. WHMCS Cart & Order Pages
  3. WHMCS Client Area Plugin

WHMCS Cart & Order Pages is under active development, and we welcome all the feedback from web hosts. Our support and tech quickly respond to bugs and suggestions. team.

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