WHMCS Client Area Plugin for Wordpress By WHMpress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WHMCS Client Area Plugin for Wordpress By WHMpress Preview - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Tested with latest WHMCS.8.8 & WP 6.3. The WHMCS Module that is used with this plugin is updated on our site and is compatible with the latest WHMCS and PHP 8.2

Alternate to WHMCS-Bridge with a one-time payment and lifetime updates

WHMCS Client Area Plugin is part of creativeON’s WHMPress – WHMCS WP Integration Stack. It brings the WHMCS Client area with WordPress using WHMCS-API. Links to other plugins in the Integration stack are at the end of the page. More on WHMPress – WHMCS WP Integration Stack at end of page

WCAP will bring WHMCS Client Area functionality to WordPress through WHMCS API; this is the part that users will access after logging into their WHMCS. It also offers ordering and cart. It does not iframe existing WHMCS pages into WordPress, but it uses API to transfer only data and then re-make all pages within WordPress. This approach gives a real authentic WP experience.

Having this plugin installed, your customers will not need to leave your WordPress website to manage their accounts.

This integration will provide your customers with a user-friendly and consistent customer experience. Adding value to your Hosting website

WHMCS WordPress Integration offers the best support

Logo Build with API’s

Since it is based on WHMCS API, WCAP will not fetch the whole WHMCS client area as its (like in the case of WHMCS-Bridge). Instead, it communicates with WHMCS in the background to transfer only data over Ajax. And then renders the data using standard WordPress techniques, hence giving your options to change the look & feel as needed.

LogoStyle it Up

Who said styling had to be boring? Sick of trying to write custom CSS to match plugin’s output with your theme? Try WCAPs built-in style options. WCAP is coded to inherit fonts, headings, and other basic styling from your WP theme; for the rest, you can easily change fonts, colors, borders, etc., to really tweak the look and feel.
By design, it works with any WP theme, And the styling is no more dependent on your WHMCS styling. Now match with your theme without writing custom CSS>

Logo Features

  1. One-time payment, lifetime free updates
  2. Hide unwanted pages/ Menus
  3. Options to hide WHMCS Side Bars,
  4. Link Menu to custom URLs
  5. Inbuilt style manager so you can match

  6. Built with Ajax
  7. Built with Native WordPress plugin techniques
  8. Easily implement custom CSS
  9. Well documented with tutorials and videos

Customer reviews for WHMCS Client Area - WHMCS Bridge Alternate

WCAP is the most complete, flexible & customizable, API based WHMCS Client Area Integration solution for WordPress on the market.

Along with WHMCS API, WCAP uses WHMPress Helper – a custom extended WHMCS API for extended Ajax functionality. WHMPress helper is not part of the WordPress Plugin but is included in the package and is installed in WHMCS.

WHMPress – WHMCS WP Integration Stack

WHMPress – WHMCS WP Integration Stack is a series of plugins designed and built for web hosts who sell with WHMCS & WordPress as frontend. Each plugin works independently and yet collaborates with other WHMPress plugins when installed.

There are three plugins and one Addon in WHMPress Integration Stack.

  1. WHMCS Sale Pages for WordPress
  2. WHMCS Cart & Order Pages
  3. WHMCS Client Area Plugin
  4. WHMCS Sliders & Comparison Tables (Addon for Sale Pages)

Change log

4.3-revision-3 (31-12-2024)
- Fixed password synchronization between WP and WHMCS users
- Fixed a bug in user registration from WHMCS to WP
- Fixed a bug affecting password change functionality
- Fixed a bug in updating user profiles

4.2-revision-2 (12-18-2023)
- code refactor to speed up certain functions
- Documents link from admin area update

4.2-revision-1 (12-11-2023)
- Product group name issue with multilingual setup is solved

4.2-revision-0 (11-10-2023)
 -Tested with WHMCS 8.7, PHP 8.2 and WP 6.3

4.1-revision-6 (10-05-2022)
- Improve Error message regarding WCAP verification

4.1-revision-5 (28-07-2022)
- Improve loading time for a large number of invoices.

4.1-revision-4 (16-07-2022)
- Improve the plugin verification process

4.1-revision-3 (27-06-2022)
- Showing suffix in-store page

4.1-revision-2 (15-04-2022)
- Setting the Verification process

4.1-revision-1 (08-03-2022)
- Bug fixed in adding pay methods

4.1-revision-0 (23-02-2022)
- Added WHMCS help section

4.0-revision-9 (15-02-2022)
- Fixed Server Jam error when WCAP activates.
- Added Merchant Pay Methods

4.0-revision-8 (21-01-2022)
- Hide order form fields according to client choice.

4.0-revision-7 (20-01-2022)
- SSO issue fixed while login in during the order process.

4.0-revision-6 (10-01-2022)
- Make it Compatible with the PHP 8.0

4.0-revision-5 (10-01-2022)
- Signup link bug Fixed in Login Form.

4.0-revision-4 (08-01-2022)
- When SSO is enabled and the client logout from the client area, he will also log out from wordpress.
- Added WCAP Button Shortcode

4.0-revision-3 (07-01-2022)
- getting disabled payment gateways.

4.0-revision-2 (20-11-2021)
- Added client IP in API calls

4.0-revision-1 (23-10-2021)
- Make it compatible with Elementor 3.4.6

4.0-revision-0 (18-09-2021)
- Domain name in order process issue fixed

3.9-revision-9 (09-09-2021)
- Update the Swedish translation

3.9-revision-8 (09-08-2021)
- Update the German language

3.9-revision-7 (04-08-2021)
- Fixed Logout redirect URL issue

3.9-revision-6 (04-08-2021)
- Added greek translations

3.9-revision-5 (15-07-2021)
- Fixed view invoice when it is viewed by WHMCS link.

3.9-revision-4 (10-07-2021)
- Add Full WHMCS client area Access feature

3.9-revision-3 (10-07-2021)
- View invoice issue fixed when trying to access invoice via link

3.9-revision-2 (09-07-2021)
- Make string translatable in the login form
- Bug fixed in showing email history

3.9-revision-1 (24-06-2021)
- Fixed warning in functions_i

3.9-revision-0 (19-06-2021)
- invoice sorting issues fixed

3.8-revision-9 (19-06-2021)
- Fixed warning in common sections

3.8-revision-8 (18-03-2021)
- Change decimal places according to currency format in WHMCS.

3.8-revision-7 (12-03-2021)
- Remove Invoice display styles other than minimal

- WHMCS to WP user synchronization issue fixed

3.8-revision-5 08-02-2021
- User synchronization issue fixed between WHMCS and WP

3.8-revision-4 18-01-2021
- Reset password issue fixed in Login form shortcode

3.8-revision-3 15-01-2021
- Added Auto user synchronization feature from WHMCS to WP.
- Added shortcode whmcs_user_synchronization.

3.8-revision-2 09-01-2020
- Added sign up parameter in login form shortcode.

3.8-revision-1 06-01-2020
- Added client redirection to WHMCS after login through login form shortcode.

3.8 - 02-01-2021
- *NOTE* there are different versions for pre-WHMCS 8.1. WCAP-v.3.8 will only support WHMCS 8.1 and alter.
- compatibility ensured  with WHMCS version 8.1
- Invoice auth settings removed, as it is no longer supported by WHMCS. This functionality now comes with API and it makes the setup easy. No need to change the configuration file now.

3.7-revision-1 09-12-2020
- Fixed issues about client custom fields.

3.7 08-12-2020
- Fixed Reset Client password issue
- WHMCS 7 is not more supported with current plugin files, for WHMCS 7 support, please use the previous versions

3.6-revision-5 20-11-2020
- Fixed activate li issue on the front menu.

3.6-revision-4 09-11-2020
- Fixed missing CSS file issue.

3.6-revision-3 02-11-2020
- Implemented: More than one attachment in the support ticket

3.6-revision-2 10-10-2020
- PHP 7.4 warnings fixed in the common area
- Registration issue fixed with WHMCS 8.0
- Login issue fixed with WHMCS 8.0

3.6-revision-2 10-10-2020
- PHP 7.4 warnings fixed in the common area
- Registration issue fixed with WHMCS 8.0
- Login issue fixed with WHMCS 8.0

3.6 21-09-2020
- Make Plugin compatible with PHP 7.4
- Update Spanish language translation.

3.6-revision-1 23-09-2020
- Reset Password issue is fixed.

3.5-revision-3 27-7-2020
- Move helper outside the package.
- Session related issues fixed.

3.5-revision-3 27-7-2020
- Move helper outside the package.
- Session related issues fixed.

3.5-revision-1 7-7-2020
- Fixed some warning

3.5-revision-0 24-6-2020
- Display name issue fixed in nav_menu shortcode

3.4-revision-9 19-6-2020
- Hide the Recent support ticket section according to settings

3.4-revision-8 18-6-2020
- Hide the service sections according to settings

3.4-revision-7 1-6-2020
- Resolved onetime sync client update issue.

3.4-revision-6 23-5-2020
- Little CSS changings

3.4-revision-5 21-5-2020
- invalid id issue fixed in the store shortcode

3.4-revision-4 8-5-2020
- The compatibility issue with elementor pro is fixed.

3.4-revision-3 5-5-2020
- Added our own category(WCAP) in Elementor.

3.4-revision-2 27-4-2020
- Adding Portuguese translation.

3.4-revision-1 18-4-2020
- Bug fixed around available addons.

3.4-revision-0 18-4-2020
- Make common same for both WCAP and WCOP.

3.3-revision-9 7-4-202
- Add shortcode wcap_login_form

3.3-revision-8 19-03-2020
- Retrieve product names according to polylang language.

3.3-revision-7 18-03-2020
- Include whcom_show_notification in common files.
- Include whmcs_relevant_language in common files.

3.3-revision-6 04-02-2020
- Show ticket id instead of row id in open ticket notice
- Bug fixed about the selection of department (had to reselect on open ticket page).

3.3-revision-5 30-1-2020
- Translate plugin in the Italian language

3.3-revision-4 30-1-2020
- Fixed Support ticket Number issue ("Ticket Number was not showing when client login for the first time")

3.3-revision-3 23-11-2019
- Fixed Support Department issue ("hidden departments were showing")
- Fixed the issue about categories ("e" was appearing after groups)

3.3-revision-2 17-8-2019
- define a variable which is used in condition but not defined

-Make WCAP compatible with Elementor.

- Get invoice id on order completion page
- Scroll to top bug fix
- Price render bug fix
- Order completion custom message with placeholders implemented.
- Hidden configuration option bug fix.

- Client area url notice implemented

- ShortCode added on classic editor

- Swedish translation

- Compatible with fusion builder and wp bakery

- Tax bug fix
- Tax enable disable module implemented
- Credit card bug fix
- Compatibility checked with WHMCS 7.7

2.7.5 revision 2
- Open ticket link fix
- Debug log option added

2.7.5 revision 1
- 404 js error resolved

- Email Verification Message with show option
- Match state for tax

- Auto-Renew Bug fixed
- Google reCaptcha is implementation on user registration.
- Strip spaces from domain search for both product domain and check domain
- Compatibility confirmed with WordPress 5

2.7.3 revision-2
- Bug Fixes
- Manage credit card
- Reset password success message

2.7.3 revision-0
- hide and show the message on request cancellation.

- File Attachment implementation in support tickets
- Bug Fixes

2.7.2 revision-1
- Additional Required Information in client registration implementation

2.7.2 revision-0
- Turkish translation
- Group heading & Group sidebar translation according to WP plugins
  and WordPress language settings

- Product name and description translation base on WP settings and WP plugins.
- Password change js bug fix

- 2.7.1 - 12th July 2018
- Several tweaks
- Spead enhancements

2.6.5 - 5th April
- Compatibility ensured with PHP 7.2
- Compatibility ensured with WHMCS 7.5

2.6.0 - 26th January
- bug removed in the helper for verification email redirection
- new shortcode whmpress-extended domain search implemented, multidomain ordering functions added
- several tweaks
- password change bug fixed
- Fixed bug in debug showing a warning for whcom
- tweaked order process shortcode
- custom templates form theme folders implemented
- templates are now in their own folder
- option added to ignore SSL warnings


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