WL Opening Hours Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WL Opening Hours Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Manage opening hours for several venues using custom post types shortcodes and widgets

This plugin allows you to manage several sets of opening hours as a custom post type. Each set can be associated with a number of venues. You can display these individually, or you can automatically show the current (ie most recently published) opening hours for a set of venues in one of three views.

If you have several opening hours for a given venue, the most recently published will be used. Thus you can use post scheduling to automatically change opening hours on a given date.

How to install the plugin

  1. Install the plugin using WordPress’ built-in installer. The plugin can also be installed manually by upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to the WL Opening Hours list, and add your hours
  4. Display the hours through widget or shortcode
  5. Go the settings page for the Vipps plugin and enter your Vipps account keys.


If not using widgets, the plugin provides a shortcode with these forms:
* [show-opening-hours id='postid'] – Show a single set of opening hours using the post id
* [show-opening-hours venue='venueslug'] – Show the most recent set of opening hours for the given venue
* [show-opening-hours venues='comma separated list of venue slugs' view="one of tabbed,list,accordion"] – Show several venues’ opening hours with the given view
* [show-opening-hours view='one of tabbed,list,accordion'] – Show all venues opening hours with the given view

Filters and Hooks for customization

There are several filters/hooks you can use to customize the behaviour of this plugin:
* Filter: ‘wl-opening-hours-template-path’: Takes a path, a view indicator and data for the display of opening hours, should return a path which will be loaded as a template for displaying the hours
* Filter: ‘wl_openinghours_view’: Takes the HTML output for a set of opening hours, the data that genereated it and a view code, should return html
* Filter: ‘wl_opening_hours_views’: Takes a map from view name to view slug and should return the same. Use this to extend the plugin with new views together with the above filters

Customizing templates

If you copy the files in the “templates” directory of this plugin to a “wl-opening-hours” subdirectory of your child-theme, these will be used instead of the provided templates. The $opening_hours variable will then contain an array from Venue to opening hours, with one of the variables being the post itself.


Please see the file css/wl-opening-hours.css for the classes used – these are all overridable in your theme


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