Wonderm00n's Gallery Link Size Changer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The WordPress default galleries always link to the full image size which can be pretty annyoing because most users upload huge pictures.
With this plugin you can set a default size for the galleries to link to. This can be thumbnail, medium, large or full.
For now this a global setting for all galleries, but on a future version I plan to let you choose a specific size for each gallery you create on your WordPress posts or pages.
It’s also possible to add arguments to the link (A) tag. This may be useful to add lightbox/fancybox script compatibility.
Based on the oikos.org.uk solution that can be found at http://oikos.org.uk/2011/09/tech-notes-using-resized-images-in-wordpress-galleries-and-lightboxes/
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