Woo Tracking For The Courier Guy Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
This plugin adds a meta box on WooCommerce admin order pages where you can add waybill numbers on orders.
It then display a tracking action button on the admin order listing page and a customer can then view their orders on the orders page with tracking which will list the waybill number, recipient name and tracking events.
Enter tracking number on relevant order and save it. There is also a link which will open The Courier Guy website tracking page using the waybill number.
We have also added a tracking button on the orders listing page if a tracking number has been saved for an order. It will open The Courier Guy’s tracking page with that waybill number.
On the order page, customers will be able to see tracking for the order that they are viewing. It’s displayed in a table and there is a div around it with a class that developers can use the style it.