WooCommerce Extra Fees Lite – Use For Extra Charge + Conditional Fee + Extra Cost For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees is the fastest and easiest WooCommerce extra fees plugin with breakthrough performance. Everything works on a fast and easy. Feel no delay because your time is precious!
Every e-commerce store owners looking for solution to add WooCommerce Extra Fee, WooCommerce Surcharge, WooCommerce additional fees, WooCommerce conditional fees and WooCommerce Extra Cost on Cart and Checkout. Our plugin will help you without the help of a developer!
WooCommerce has a powerful Fees API that until now was only accessible to developers. With WooCommerce Advanced Fees store owners can setup rules where fees will be added to the Cart based on what is in the cart, who is buying it, or where the products are being shipped to.
With the WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees Options you have the freedom to setup the fee amount based on weight, present shipping classes, categories and products. Each option has its own minimum and maximum fields for quantity / weight / subtotal requirements.
To make the process of setting up particular fees for particular conditions simpler, the WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees plugin is designed. WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees is a valuable tool for store owners for creating and managing complex fee rules in their store without the help of a developer! This plugin lets users add/modify fees based on particular conditions
WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees is a valuable tool for store owners for creating and managing complex fee rules in their store without the help of a developer!
👉 Free Version:
- Setup WooCommerce extra fees for cart/checkout.
- Use of different operators to set up specific extra fee conditions.
- Combination of two or more extra fee conditions
- Set up specific products based WooCommerce extra fees.
- Set up cart subtotal based WooCommerce additional fee.
- WooCommerce extra fee based on the Customer’s Country fee.
- Add WooCommerce extra fees on Product stock status fee based.
- Set up Product Weight based WooCommerce extra fees.
- Set up Product Width based WooCommerce extra fees.
👉 Pro Version:
- All Free version feature included.
- Setup extra fees based on WooCommerce Coupon code.
- Setup extra fees based on WooCommerce Cart Quantity
- zipcode/postal code extra fees.
- Setup additional fees based on Customer’s/ User’s zipcode/postal code.
- Add extra fees based on Customer’s city/state
- Add extra fees based on specific User role or user
- Apply extra fees for WooCommerce Products category
- Apply extra fees for WooCommerce Products Height / Length / Stock
- Apply WooCommerce extra fees Cost Per Product using cost options
- Apply WooCommerce extra fees Cost Per Weight using cost options
- Apply WooCommerce extra fees Cost Per Category using cost options
- Apply WooCommerce extra fees Cost Per Shipping Class using cost options
- Fees can be positive or negative ( If you want to give WooCommerce cart discount, use negative sign )
- Fees amout flot value supported.
- Set up Different Conditions based on Geographical area/ User role
- Use of different operators to set up specific conditions
- Combination of two or more conditions
- Use of Either Conditions to charge fees
- Fees can be positive or negative ( If you want to give discount, use negative sign )
- Fees visible in the Cart, Checkout, Thank You page, and Order email
- Schedule a conditional fees for specific time
- Particular titles for particular conditions so that conditions can be differentiated easily
- Cart Based fees options like on Subtotal / Subtotal ex. taxes / Tax / Quantity / Contains product / Coupon / Weight / Contains shipping class
- User Details Based fees options like on Zipcode / City / State / Country / User role
- Product Based fees options like on Width / Height / Length / Stock / Stock status / Category
- Advanced Fees cost options : Cost Per Product | Cost Per Weight | Cost Per Shipping Class | Cost Per Category
Launch Pro Version Demo here
Buy Now Pro Version here
Explore our other plugins:
✅ WooCommerce Extra fees on purchase of some specific product or product from specific category
✅ Add Cart/Checkout discount on different Conditions based on configuration.
✅ Condition extra fees on shipping method.
✅ WooCommerce extra fees for several products categories.
✅ Addition fees for specific zip-code/postal code range.
✅ Addition extra cart fee based on user country/state of the customer.
✅ WooCommerce surcharge using multiple extra fees condition.
✅ WooCommerce extra cost for specific user/user role. ex. extra fees for Subscriber or extra fees for wholesaler.
✅ Add extra fees for specific payment gateway. Ex. Cash on delivery, PayPal, credit card, etc.
✅ Add extra fees like installation fees or any other.
✅ Apply Additional extra fees for digital products.
✅ Apply additional fees based on the total weight of product in the cart