WooCommerce Backorder Manager Pro Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The best management plugin for backorders in WooCommerce. View reports with products and orders in backorder, set maximum allowed number of backorders, manage backorder email notifications. You can also export all backorders to a CSV file.
- View report ‘Products On Backorder’ in WooCommerce (with export option)
- View report ‘Orders with Backorders’ in WooCommerce (with export option)
- Set the maximum allowed number of backorders for a product and product variation
- When the maximum allowed number of backorders is reached the stock status will switch to ‘Out of stock’
- Show number of backorders in order on order overview page
- Show products available for backorder on product overview page
- Show maximum backorders in sortable column on product overview page
- Option to show available backorder items in shop when backorder notification is enabled
- Option to show custom backorder description on product page and cart
- Use dynamic tags
to customize the backorder description - Manage backorder email notifications
- Export backorders to CSV
- Developer friendly with filters wbmp_max_qty_notice, wbmp_max_qty_already_notice, wbmp_available_text and wbmp_available_text_unlimited
- Multilanguage ready
View ‘On backorder’ report
WooCommerce report to view all units on backorders. One overview to see which products and product variations are on backorder. With action links to view and edit the product.
Backorder manager settings page
Option to disable backorder email notifications.
Option to show available backorder items in shop when backorder notification is enabled.
Product overview page
View availabilty of products and maximum number of backorders on the product overview page.
Set maximum allowed number of backorders
Set maximum allowed number of backorders, when reached the stock status will automatically switch to ‘Out of stock’.
Easily navigate to settings and ‘On backorder’ reports with the quicklinks on the plugin overview page.
We ❤ developers
Developer friendly with filters wbmp_max_qty_notice, wbmp_max_qty_already_notice, wbmp_available_text and wbmp_available_text_unlimited. You can even use shortcode [wbmp_backorder_description id=”123”] to always show the custom backorder description wherever you like.
Automatic Updates
Use Envato Market WordPress plugin to get automatic updates, with a single click, directly from WordPress. Upon a new release, get notified directly from your Wordpress Dashboard. Update the plugin from the Dashboard Plugins with the automated Wordpress functions. Always use the latest version for the best compatibility!
- Add HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage) support.
- Fix error with backorder amount in certain situations.
- Rewritten documentation.
- Fix deprecation warnings.
- Fix array error message.
- Fix for
tag in backorder description for variable product in cart.
- Enable custom tags in cart.
- Fix backorder description for variable products in cart.
- Special thanks to Officinaweb for the fixes
- Select which (WooCommerce or custom) order statuses appear on ‘Orders with Backorders’ report.
- Add billing address, phone and more to CSV export orders on backorder.
- Fix for WP sites in sub-directory.
- Insert custom tag
into backorder description field to show number of backorders already placed.
- Insert custom tag
into backorder description field to show available stock.
- On report ‘Orders with Backorders’ also show products that are ordered but no longer exist (for example when the product is deleted).
- Fix loading of included language files
- Improve loading of backorders on oder overview page
- Show number of backorders in order on order overview page
- Add shortcode [wbmp_backorder_description] and [wbmp_backorder_description id=”123”] to always show custom backorder description
- Add customer email address to CSV orders export
- Add compatibility for websites with different language as in the admin
- Small bug fixes, bumped compatibilities
- Add Russian translation files (thanks to Demuri)
- Add backward compatibility for WooCommerce 3.4 templates that don’t support custom backorder messages on cart page
- Refactor custom backorder description to show custom availability text for backorders on product page and cart
- Add SKU to report Orders on backorder
- Put SKU and product description in separate columns in CSV exports
- Fix backorder description for variable products
- Add optional backorder description (for example to show date back in stock)
- Add CSV export for orders on backorder
- Improve and speedup of orders on backorder report
- Add report with orders that contain backorders
- Add support for SCRIPT_DEBUG
- Add multisite fix (correctly check for network active WooCommerce)
- Move JavaScript to separate file
- Small code optimizations
- Option to show available backorder items in shop when backorder notification is enabled
- Added more filters for developers (wbmp_available_text and wbmp_available_text_unlimited)
- CSV is now exported as UTF-8
- Update compatibility with WordPress 5.1, WooCommerce 3.5 and latest WordPress coding standards
- If maximum number of backorders is set and maximum number is reached automatically set product to out of stock
- Improved variable products check in cart
- For developers add the filters wbmp_max_qty_notice and wbmp_max_qty_already_notice to override cart notices
- Extra check for allowed number of backorders when adding products to cart
- Small changes to comply with the WooCommerce Plugin Developer Handbook
- Bugfixes for the max backorders column
- Verify compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce 3.2
- In max backorders column sum max backorders for variable products
- In max backorders column show ‘unlimited’ when there is no backorder limit
- Fix for WooCommerce 2.5 and 2.6 compatibility
- CSV export for backorders added
- WooCommerce 3 compatibility
- Compatibility for WordPress installs outside the default directory
1.0 initial release
- View report ‘On Backorder’ in the WooCommerce Stock Reports to quickly see what products are on backorder
- Set the maximum allowed number of backorders for a product and product variation
- When the maximum allowed number of backorders is reached the stock status will switch to ‘Out of stock’
- Show products available for backorder on product overview page
- Show maximum backorders in sortable column on product overview page
- Manage backorder email notifications
- Multilanguage ready