WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order allows you to add a small option that will take care of dealing with “abandoned” commands.
If you have check or transfer type orders for example, you will be able to set a maximum number of days or by hours to receive the payment.
WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order, will take care of checking this and change the status of the order to “Cancel” if you have not received payment on time.
- PHP minimal: 7.0
- WordPress minimal: 4.0
- WooCommerce minimal : 2.2
- woo_cao_cancel_order ($order_id) : After cancel order.
- woo_cao_gateways : Adds a payment gateway for the control.
- woo_cao_before_cancel_order : Before canceling the order, send the order_id and the WC_Order if you do not want to cancel this order. Expect an exact return of true.
- woo_cao_message_cancel_order : Allows you to modify the note when canceling the order. Handy if you use the ‘woo_cao_before_cancel_order’ filter.
- woo_cao_date_order ($old_date, $gateway, $mode) : Change the calculation date for pending orders.
- woo_cao_default_hours : Default value of the number of hours for order processing.
- woo_cao_default_days : Default value of the number of days for order processing.
- woo_cao_statustocancel ($status) : Allows you to add or change which WooCommerce order status the plugin should cancel.
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