Woocommerce Cart Additional Fee Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugins helps admin to add an additional fee to the Woocommerce cart. Admin can add additional fee label and fee amount both fixed & percentage fee type are available. Also can filter fee to specific product. Admin can also apply fee based on cart amount like minimum amount or maximum amount or both min max amount. Admin can also enable fee for specific customer/user country.. Filter for User States is coming soon…
- Add additioncal fee to Woocommerce shopping cart.
- Set label for additional fee.
- Enable or disable Additional Woocommerce fee functionality
- You can set minimum / maximum cart amount to apply Additioncal Fee.
- Can restrict the fee to specific product item
- Can restrict the fee to specific customer country (billing & shipping both)
Interested in contributing to Woocommerce Cart Additional Fee?
Contact me… sagorh672(at)gmail.com
Settings panel for Woocommerce Cart Additional Fee Plugin.
Additional Fee displayed in cart using Woocommerce Cart Additional Fee plugin.