WooCommerce Cash On Pickup Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Cash On Pickup will add the payment gateway “Cash on Pickup” in your WooCommerce store. Payment name, description, image and much more can be changed through the WooCommerce settings page.
- Extra payment option “Cash on Pickup” (or any name you want)
- Set a default order status when a ‘cash on pickup’ order is placed
- Add a custom image or logo for ‘cash on pickup’ on the checkout page
- Option to add extra fee or discount (fixed or percentage) for ‘cash on pickup’ payments
- For developers the filters wcop_order_button_text, wcop_default_order_status and wcop_extra_fee are available
- Multilanguage ready
Settings page for cash on pickup
- Set the title which the user sees during checkout (default = Cash on pickup).
- Set the customer message and choose and icon (optional) to be displayed next to the payment method during checkout.
- Customize the instructions that will be added to the thank you page.
- Add extra fee or discount for payment method.
- Only enable it for certain shipping methods (or leave blank to enable for all shipping methods).
- Set a default order status (choice from every available WooCommerce status).
Cash on pickup on the checkout page
Title, message and icon can be changed in WooCommerce settings page
We ❤ developers
Developer friendly with filters wcop_order_button_text, wcop_default_order_status and wcop_extra_fee.
Automatic Updates
Use Envato Market WordPress plugin to get automatic updates, with a single click, directly from WordPress. Upon a new release, get notified directly from your Wordpress Dashboard. Update the plugin from the Dashboard Plugins with the automated Wordpress functions. Always use the latest version for the best compatibility!
- Fix virtual products check for newer PHP versions
- Change default behaviour to disable cash on pickup for virtual products
- Add option to enable cash on pickup for virtual products
- Add option Percentage or Fixed to optional extra fee or discount
- Update code to latest WordPress Coding Standards (version 2.1.1)
- Add Support for SCRIPT_DEBUG
- Update WooCommerce and WordPress compatibility to latest versions
- Small changes to comply with the WooCommerce Plugin Developer Handbook
- Update WooCommerce and WordPress compatibility to latest versions
- Add extra fee option
- Add discount option
- Add compatibility for WooCommerce 3.2
- WooCommerce plugin version check
- Select2 compatibility fixes
- Fix for multisite installations
- For developers the filter wcop_extra_fee was added
- Add German (DE) translation (thanks to user chasperlisimba)
- Add Dutch (NL) translation
1.0 initial release
- Extra payment option “Cash on Pickup” (or any name you want)
- Set a default order status when a ‘cash on pickup’ order is placed
- Add a custom image or logo for ‘cash on pickup’ on the checkout page
- For developers the filters wcop_order_button_text and wcop_default_order_status are available
- Compatible with WooCommerce 2.5 / 2.6 / 3.0 / 3.1
- Multilanguage ready