WooCommerce Csv Import Export Plugin – Orders, Customers, Products - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Import/Export CSVs Quickly with WooCommerce CSV Import Export Plugin
Product import export for WooCommerce helps you quickly import or export products, categories, customers, or order details in bulk. You can extract a list of selected products using export filters to order in a CSV file.
You can adjust the maximum number of entries to make sure that bringing in or sending out data stays within certain boundaries. The WooCommerce CSV import, which uses a PHP Excel library, makes the process of importing and exporting data faster.
- Import/Export Products, Categories, Orders, and Customers
- Exports the Data in CSV file Which is Easily Customizable
- Filters to Export Specific Type of Data
- Uses PHP Excel Library for Quick Import and Export
- Configure Maximum Entries to Import/Export in Each Set
- Import / Export Coupons
- Import / Export Product Reviews
Download Required Customers’ Data with a Click
You can use WooCommerce export products to export the data of your customers from the store. You have the option to download a full customer list or choose specific filters to get the most relevant customer data. For instance, you can create a list of customers based on their city, country, or shared name. Apply filters such as First Name, Last Name, Company, Email, Phone, Address, Country, City, State, and Postcode.
WooCommerce Export Import Orders With Respect to its Attributes
Using the WooCommerce export orders plugin, you can get a list of orders with attributes such as pending or completed status You can grab a full list of orders or choose specific ones to export. You can customize the WooCommerce export by adjusting filters like Order date, Order ID, Order Status, Order Total, Customer Name, Billing Country, Shipping Country, and Product Name.
Extract All or Specific Categories with Export Filters
The WooCommerce import categories plugin allows you to either export the whole catalog or choose specific categories using filters. You can select various filters such as name, description, parent, slug, or display type to gather different product information. Use as many filters as necessary to extract the right data into a CSV file.
Add Filters to Export Selective Products
Using the WooCommerce export products, you can easily download a full list of products to a CSV file with just one click. Filters are included to help you export products based on specific details. For instance, you can filter products by name, type, or price. WooCommerce export filters include options like name, description, SKU, slug, type, featured, price, sale price, category, stock status, date added, length, width, height, weight, and quantity.
Import Products, Categories, Customers, or Orders with a Click
Import a zip file to bring in all the information about products, categories, customers, or orders bit by bit. The WooCommerce CSV export plugin helps you easily transfer all the necessary data to your newly made online store. A bulk import of products or categories can be done to prevent errors.
Define a limit by setting Maximum Entries to Import or Export
You can control the number of entries when importing or exporting the data. The WooCommerce CSV import plugin lets you add or extract data in parts. This allows you to bring in a certain number of entries, check and confirm them, and then continue importing more entries if necessary. Similarly, when exporting products or categories, it’s good to do it in portions to make sure the data is correct and useful.
PHP Excel library Expedites Import and Export activities
Product import export for woocommerce using the PHP Excel library ensures that adding or extracting information from your online store is quick and easy. You can import or export the bulk of categories or products with just a few clicks.
Additional Features – WooCommerce CSV Import Export
- Import or export data in bulk
- WooCommerce CSV export file allows you to easily edit the data
- Import Product or Category as new to your online store
- Import or Export products, categories, customers, and orders in parts
1. Is WooCommerce csv import plugin required on both WooCommerce store?
Ans. Yes, if you import any other data, such as a category or product from one WooCommerce store into another. Same plugin should be used by both i.e.
2. Can I import/export product images using WooCommerce import products plugin?
Ans. Yes, If you export with thus plugin it export the product images path along with the other details, hence allowing you to import the product images path with other product details.
3. Is product import export for WooCommerce compatible with variable products?
Ans. Yes, this plugin import and export variable products.
4. Can I define the limit of maximum and minimum entries with WooCommerce export products csv?
Ans. Yes, you can define the limit of entries you want to import/export in one time. However, if your server is slow choose the minimum entries.
5. What type of data we can import/export with product import export for WooCommerce?
Ans. You can import/export the categories, products, customers, orders, reviews, coupons.
6. Can we export orders by customer name using ?
Ans. Yes, this plugin has WooCommerce export orders feature and use can use the following filters.
- Order Date
- Order ID
- Order Status
- Order Total
- Customer Name
- Billing Country
- Shipping Country
- Product Name
7. Can we export customer emails by first and last name?
Ans. WooCommerce import export allows you to export customers emails by using following filters.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
- Phone
- Address
- Country
- City
- State
- Post Code
8. Can we export products by SKU?
Ans. WooCommerce export products features allow you to export product by SKU.
Description in Dutch
WooCommerce CSV Import Export plugin helpt u snel producten, categorieën, klanten of details van Order in bulk te importeren of exporteren. Met exportfilters kunt u een lijst met selectieve producten, categorieën, klanten en Order in een CSV-bestand uitpakken. U kunt maximale invoerwaarden instellen om ervoor te zorgen dat de invoer of uitvoer van gegevens in limieten wordt beperkt. WooCommerce Import producten plugin wordt aangedreven door PHP Excel bibliotheek die de import en export versnelt.
- In- en uitvoer van producten, categorieën, Order en klanten
- Exporteert de gegevens in CSV-bestand, dat gemakkelijk aanpasbaar is.
- Filters voor de export van specifieke soorten gegevens
- Gebruikt PHP Excel-bibliotheek voor snel importeren en exporteren
- Configureer de maximale in te voeren of te exporteren gegevens in elke set
Description in French
Le plugin WooCommerce CSV Import Export vous permet d’importer ou d’exporter rapidement des produits, catégories, clients oudétails de commandé en vrac. Avec les ffiltre d’exportation, vous pouvez extraire une liste de produits, catégories, clients et commandes sélectifs dans un fichier CSV. Vous Pouvez Définir des entrées maximales pour garantir l’importation et l’exportation de données dans des limites. Le plugin WooCommerce Import est alimenté par la bibliothèque PHP Excel qui accélère les opérations d’importation et d’exportation.
- Import/Export de produits, catégories, commandes et clients
- Exporte les données dans un fichier CSV qui est facilement personnalisable.
- Filtres pour exporter un type de données spécifique
- Utilise la bibliothèque PHP Excel pour une importation et une exportation rapides
- Configurer le nombre maximum d’entrées à importer/exporter dans chaque ensemble
Description in Italian
Il plugin WooCommerce CSV Import Export consente di importare o esportare rapidamente prodotti, categorie, clienti o dettagli degli ordini in blocco. Con i filtri di esportazione, puoi estrarre un elenco di prodotti, categorie, clienti e ordini selettivi in un file CSV. È possibile impostare le voci massime per garantire l’importazione o l’esportazione di dati nei limiti. Il plugin WooCommerce per l’importazione dei prodotti è alimentato da una libreria PHP Excel che velocizza le operazioni di importazione ed esportazione.
- Importazione / esportazione di prodotti, categorie, ordini e clienti
- Esporta i dati nel file CSV che è facilmente personalizzabile
- Filtri per l’esportazione di tipi di dati specifici
- Utilizza PHP Excel Library per l’importazione e l’esportazione rapida
- Configura le voci massime da importare / esportare in ogni set
Description in Spanish
El plugin de importación/exportación CSV para WooCommerce te ayuda a importar o exportar productos, categorías, clientes o detalles de los pedidos de forma rápida y en bloque. Con los filtros de exportación, puedes extraer una lista de productos, categorías, clientes y pedidos seleccionados en un archivo CSV. Puedes establecer las entradas máximas para asegurar la importación o exportación de los datos dentro de unos límites.El plugin de importación de productos para WooCommerce utiliza la bibilioteca PHP Excel para acelerar las operaciones de importación y exportación.
- Importa/exporta productos, categorías, pedidos y clientes
- Exporta los datos en un archivo CSV fácilmente personalizable
- Aplica filtros para exportar tipos de datos específicos
- Utiliza la biblioteca PHP Excel para una importación y exportación rápida
- Configura las entradas máximas a importar/exportar en cada conjunto
Description in German
WooCommerce CSV Import Export Plugin hilft Ihnen, Produkte, Kategorien, Kunden oder Bestelldaten in großen Mengen schnell zu importieren oder zu exportieren. Mit Exportfiltern können Sie eine Liste ausgewählter Produkte, Kategorien, Kunden und Bestellungen in einer CSV-Datei extrahieren. Sie können maximale Einträge festlegen, um den Import oder Export von Daten in Limits zu gewährleisten. Das Plugin für WooCommerce Import Produkte basiert auf der PHP Excel Bibliothek, die den Import und Export beschleunigt.
- Importieren/Exportieren von Produkten, Kategorien, Bestellungen und Kunden
- Exportiert die Daten in eine CSV-Datei, die leicht anpassbar ist
- Filter zum Exportieren bestimmter Datentypen
- Verwendet PHP Excel Library für schnellen Import und Export
- Maximale Einträge für den Import/Export in jedem Set konfigurieren
Change Log
Version 2.0.6 Minor Issue Resolved
Version 2.0.5 Made compatible with wordpress multisite
Version 2.0.4 Made compatible with woocommerce HPOS
Version 2.0.3 multi-language support
Version 2.0.2 Updated: PHP 8 Compatible Media Export / Import Minor bug fixes
Version 2.0.1 Compatibility Issue resolved
Version: 2.0.0 Updated : New Feastures Import / Export Coupons Import / Export Product Reviews
Version 1.3.0 Updated: Bug Fixed: 1) Issue fixed with latest version of WooCommerce.
Version 1.0.1: Bug Fixed: 1) Fix issue with zip creation.
Version 1.0.0 Initial release of pluign