Woocommerce DBC Discount Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is an addon for woocomemrce plugin. This will enable you to apply discount in a selected category by percentage or fixed amount.
This plugin directly calculates the cost of product in case percentage discount is applied and puts in sale price section of product in woocommerce. Unlike other bulk discount plugin it enables you to show discounts on all essential pages such as shop page, single product page, category page, cart page. You can also apply discount on all products in the store. Its an easy to use light weight plugin.
No need of modifying invoicing system as invoicing will work as normal it works in woocommerce with discount and sales.
As this is a free plugin, support will not be provided. Please feel free to drop-in a feature request you may have.
Features :
- Enables you to add discount to all products in one category in one go.
- Enables you to add discount in amount or percentage.
- Add discount to all products on your store.
- Add discounts to sub categories.
- Percentage discounts are automatically calculated for each product by plugin and applied to sale price of product.
- Overrides old sale price and inputs new sale price after calculating discount automatically.
- Works for Simple and Variable products, both.
- Easy to remove sale from all products in a category.
- Discount visible on products on shop page, product detail page and cart page.
- Compatible with WP V4.0
- Compatible with Woocommerce V2.2
- A must have plugin.
Get Pro version with enhanced features from here.
Some of the Pro version features :
- Display smart badge for savings on product.
- Enable or disable smart sale badge.
- Schedule sales for later dates for each category or sub category.
- Improved identification of Sub category strcuture.
- Ability to view products in category while applying discounts.
- Enhanced and easier way to reset discounts per category.
- Change UI of smart badge from admin end.
- Much more..!
Will be added soon.