WooCommerce Extra Fields Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Extra Options plugin is simple to use WooCommerce extension to customize product page by using 14 types input fields. Nice admin panel have bunch of options to customize this plugin. The core feature of this plugin includes:
- Best file upload with thumb
- Image cropping
- Aviary editing add-on
- Conditional logic
- Custom validate messages
- Translation ready (PO file included)
- Bulk & Discount price
Features detail
Creating Meta
Admin can create unlimited Meta Groups (Meta groups are set of input fields). Then these meta can be attached product as bulk or to single product.
 Front end design
Fields are rendered in vertical way but customization allow you to define width of each field in percentage like (50%, 50%) will fluid input fields to left and make it horizontal layout. Fields attached are like:
Price & Variations
Prices can also be set against each variation of Select, Radio types of input. Any change in variation will update total amount of product.
Discount & Bulk Price
Easily set discount prices for different quantity. Just configure price matrix table and it will handle price based on quantity selected, here is screenshot:
Image editing
Image editing is very powerful feature of this extension. It has built in support cropping, set unlimited aspect ratio.
Alternatively Aviary editing tool can be used as Add-on for this. More detail is provided here
Once user personalize product by filling fields or uploading file these are attached as order meta and carried out on cart and checkout page like shown in screenshot below:
Order completed
When order is placed all data is attached to order which can be seen under Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Orders. These data also sent with invoice email.
Attached files and images also got special area in same order page like below:
How to use
- Install plugin from zip file and activate it
- Once plugin is activated you can access options from ‘Admin -> Settings -> PersonalizedWoo’
- Here is demo video setup as guide
Following link will redirect to demo WooCommerce based store. You will see some input fields on product page. Add  this product to cart and proceed to checkout to see how this plugin works.
Change Log
October 4, 2015: Version 4.4Â is out with following Bug Fixed
- Bug fixed: price variation bug fixed when added to cart.
Septemebr 18, 2015: Version 4.3Â is out with following Bug Fixed
- Feature: Percentage now can be used for variations
Septemebr 15, 2015: Version 4.2Â is out with following Bug Fixed
- Bug fixed: Varation prices delay LOOP is fixed
- Bug fixed: Admin UI issue fixed while extra fields drag and drop
27 August 2015: Version 4.1 is out with following Bug Fixed
- Bug fixed: Uploaded files thumbs also renamed
- File uploader is now more secure
- BlockUI shown when variations selected
27 June, 2015: Version 4.0 is out with following Bug Fixed
- Some notices and warnings removed
- More options in admin to clone meta and UI changes
1 June, 2015: Version 3.18 is out with following Bug Fixed
- Aviar editing with new SDK
- Layout changes for uploaded image
- Bug fixed: while importing existing data
22Â March, 2015: Version 3.17 is out with following Bug Fixed
- show an alert when thumbs is not generated rather then stuck
21 March, 2015: Version 3.16 is out with following Bug Fixed
- depracated functions remove for woocommerce->add_error
- support for older versions (> 2.1) added
- file upload required bug fixed
4 March, 2015: Version 3.15 is out with following Bug Fixed
- Bug Removed while importing the Meta
3 March, 2015: Version 3.14 is out with following Bug Fixed
- Export and Import Feature added for Prodcut Meta
17 February, 2015: Version 3.13 is out with following Bug Fixed
- Bug Fixed: When ‘0’ is passed as meta
- Checked against WooCommerce 2.3 major released
- Removed some warnings
21 December, 2014: Version 3.12 is out with following Bug Fixed
- One time fee is now can set as Taxable
- Auto generate data names for meta input fields
- Each uploaded file now will have unique name
- Conditional fields now supported with ‘image’ type input too
- Thumb size issue fixed with Aviary
20 November, 2014: Version 3.11 is out with following Bug Fixed
- BUG: sometime files not moved to confirmed directory after order completed. Fixed. Click HERE for Thread
- BUG: Files upload limits were not working, Fixed
- BUG: Files with long names are trimmed to 35 characters only for display, Fixed
16 October, 2014: Version 3.10 is out with following Features and Fixes
- New look for upload files in table layout use icon-fonts instead graphic icons
- Feature: Cropping image support, define unlimited crop ratios and maintain Resolution
- Feature: Some Admin setting tweak to make it more user friendly
- Feature: Dynamic price update:
- opt-in, sometime dynamic price does not work with some themes so better to hide
- Plupload latest version 2.1.2 is added for uploading files.
- Feature: Now uploaded image can be display as thumb in cart page if required
5 September, 2014: Version 3.9 is out with following Features and Fixes
- On shop page ‘Select option’ text will appear instead ‘Add to card’ when meta attached.
- Thumbs cached so no old thumb loaded.
- Ajax based validation, won’t refresh product page until are required fields provided.
- Some ugly data removed when file is attached only thumb and file name in cart and checkout page.
- New media upload script added for pre uploaded images type.
- Bugs Fixed:
- Conditional logic issue fixed when rule is required and hidden.
- Radio input/options now have different IDs.
- missing tag is added in checkbox input.
- Line break will be shown in cart/checkout for textarea inputs.
26 May, 2014: Version 3.8 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Feature: set default values for text and textarea
- Feature: Number type input added with max, min and step controlling
- BUG fixed: image type input now have proper titles
- BUG fixed: plugin were not working on iphone
- BUG fixed: generate thumbs with random names.
- BUG fixed: selected images will be shown in admin panel
- BUG fixed: all undefined variables and indexes errors have been removed
23 April, 2014: Version 3.7 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Fixed price can be added into cart
- Price matrix based on quantity defined in table
- Price can be included into cart of attached file
11 April, 2014: Version 3.6 is out with following Features and Fixes
- BUG fixed: Dynamic prices now showing decimal and currency symbols at right place
- BUG fix: Options are rendered correctly on all themes now.
9 March, 2014: Version 3.4 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Add product_id before uploaded file when order is confirmed
- ‘_product_attached_files’ is removed from Cart page
- BUG fixed: when more then one file is uploaded these are moved to confirmed directory
- BUG fixed: error while duplicating Woo Products
28 January, 2014: Version 3.2 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Now 14 types of input are supported
- Send files with email
- Color palletes input
- and much more, see detail below
3 November, 2013: Version 3.1 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Conditional field [click for detail]
- FIXED: validation issue with radio type is fixed
14 October, 2013: Version 3.0 is launched with following Features
- Best plugin option interface with Drag & Drop field
- Sorting input fields
- Unlimited file upload instances (Awesome)
- Radio input supported
- Set/restrict max/min checkbox to be selected
- Checkout all feature here
9 September, 2013: Version 2.0.10 is out with following Features and Fixes
- File limit is updated when user removed the uploaded file
15 August, 2013: Version 2.0.9 is out with following Features and Fixes
FIXED: There was issue while adding priced options, for more detail click here
14 May, 2013: Version 2.0.8 is out with following Features and Fixes
- HTML5 Fallback for IE
- Now Simple product meta data can be shown on cart/checkout/email
- Thumbs will be shown on cart/checkout/email
- FIXED: Now Capital file types are converted to Small (JPG -> jpg)
- FIXED: Download link is not back in Order Panel in WooCommerce Admin
7 May, 2013: Version 2.0.6 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Fixed: Multiple priced options are now working fine if Select input type is used
30 April, 2013: Version 2.0.6 is out with following Features and Fixes
- Datepicker type input (with format controls)
- Meta group are now Editable
- Better thumb support for images (PNG, GIF added)
- Fixed: File type issue with lower case
- Fixed: Data labels are now more user freindly (your_title => Your Title)
- Uploaded file are linked in cart/checkout/email