Woocommerce Live Sales Notifications, Live Sales Feed, Recent Order Notifications Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Live Sales Notifications for WooCommerce
Boosting sales on a WooCommerce store was never so easy before. Live Sales Feed will display the latest orders placed on your website to your visitors. This is one of the most successfully proven strategies of getting their attention to what products others are buying and also gets them motivated to make a purchase quickly.
Online stores that have used this plugin have seen an average 40% increase in sales almost immediately after implementing it.
Live Sales Notifications is designed to give complete flexibility to store owners on what to display to the visitors and offers great customization options to coordinate the layout of popup with your store theme and branding.
You can show order information such as Customer’s Name, Products bought, City, Country, Order Total and when was the order placed.
The plugin is loaded with numerous other features that would let you personalize details such as showing product with higer value first (new), showing the orders randomly or in ascending/descending order, interval between popups etc.
Customers can opt-in or opt-out from the Live Sales Feed on the Checkout page. The administrators/order managers can also include/exclude an order from the live feed.
Key Features
Popup or Widget – Show latest orders as popup notifications or as a scrolling widget or both.
Real-time feed – Set how many latest orders to pull from your Woocommerce database. When new orders come in, the old ones are replaced in real-time.
Create Fake Orders – Finally, the most requested feature is here! You can now create fake orders to show up in the feed just like regular orders without affecting your reports. Fake orders will be hidden from Woocommerce > Orders.
Filter Order Status – Choose orders in which statuses should show up in the feed. Also supports custom order statuses. Very useful if you want to include only those orders which are paid.
Smart order display – Show the product with highest value in popup and other items would fold in “+x items”.
Order Sequence – Display orders in ascending/descending orders or in random fashion.
Delay Time – You can set how long the popup should stay on visitor’s screen.
Delay First Notification – Delay first notification for x seconds after the visitor lands on your website.
Limit popups shown – Show popup to a visitor only ‘x’ number of times in a given session.
Delay between popups – Useful to space out popups for few seconds.
Flexible Layout – Customize your popup layout with tags to show contents in any format. This will greatly help multi-lingual stores.
Case Correction – Make your popup look cleaner with help of automatic case correction for Customer First/Last Name and City.
Font Color/Size – Match the popup layout with your theme by setting your brand colors for the popup contents.
Popup Effect and Position – Choose from different animation effects for popups. Also set the position to display the popup on your visitor’s screen. Useful for sites that use other widgets (such as Livechat, Feedback etc.)
Track Clicks – Integration with Google Analytics (using UTM parameters) for both popup and widget.
Exclude from certain Pages / Posts / Products – You can choose where not to show the popups.
Optional opt-in on Checkout page – Customers can opt-in or opt-out from showing up in popups. Useful for countries that requires explicit permissions from customers before displaying their information on the site. This feature can be turned off completely.
- Show Live Sales Feed in a sidebar widget or notification popup on your Woocommerce store.
- Customize what order information to display in feed like Customer First Name, Last Name, City and Order Total.
- Personalize layout of the feed to match your store’s layout to give seamless experience to your users.
- Fully responsible on mobile devices with option to turn off completely if needed.
- Track clicks on popup notifications with Google URL Builder (step-by-step process included in documentation).
- Exclude pages/posts/custom posts from showing popups if needed.
- Adjust duration, intervals and frequency of notification popups.
- Customers can opt-out of the Feed on Checkout Page. Customize the message shown to them.
- Choose which order statuses should show up in Live Sales Feed. Fully compatible with custom order statuses.
- Easy to Setup
- Works with Woocommerce 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x, 2.6.x, 3.0.x and 3.1.x
- Detailed Documentation Included
See the Live Demo
Reviews and Ratings
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Help and Support
If you have any questions related to the item or need a technical help, please send us an email on support@appzab.com. Our Average resolution time is less than 24 hours. Support includes installation help, questions on how to use. Additional fee for support related to theme conflicts, customization and anything else not included in the description above.
December 16, 2017 - v. 3.1.1 - Code refactor to prevent high CPU usage on some VPS & Shared Hosting servers. October 20, 2017 - v. 3.1 - New: Show/Hide variations of variable products in popup notifications - New: Added %state% to optionally display Billing State in notifications. - New: Added %lastnameinitial% to show only first letter of Customer's last name. - Bug Fix: Popup notifications won't restart now onwards when visitors navigate pages. - Compatibility with Woocommerce 3.2.x October 10, 2017 - v. 3.0.3 - Refactor: Adding new inspirational (fake) orders. They are now added on Woocommerce Add Order interface. August 8, 2017 - v. 3.0.2 - Bug fix: Backwords compatibility for Live sales notification widgets with Woocommerce 2.6 July 28, 2017 - v.3.0.1 - Bug fix: CSS Height adjustment for popups July 26, 2017 - v 3.0 - Live Sales Feed is now called Live Sales Notifications - New feature: Create Fake orders to show in popups and widget. - New feature: Customize Popup Layout using Tags - New feature: Customize Popup Font Color and Sizes - New feature: Ability to show item with highest value in the notifications. - New feature: Automatic Case Correction for Customer Name and City. - Rearranged CSS and made it easier to override in your child theme. - Bug Fix: Number of Times the popup should display defaulted to 0 and now 0 = infinite. 22 March, 2017 - v - Bug Fix: Missing "Bought by" in live sales feed popup for some sites will now show up. - Bug Fix: Font color in popup. 23 January, 2017 - v 2.1.2 - Improvement: Popup Layout - Bug Fix: Close button on Popup is now fixed to work on all devices 9 January, 2017 - v 2.1.1 - New Feature: Popup Effects - New Feature: Popup Position - Updated HTML structure of popup to use <div> instead of <table><ul> - Bug Fix: 'Bought By' can now be translated in .po/.mo file. Use free wordpress plugin 'Locotranslate' for quick translation. 25 December, 2016 - v 2.1 - New Feature: Randomize orders in both widget and popups (Yay!). - New Feature: Set orders to show in ascending/descending sequence in both widget and popups. - New Feature: Plugin settings for Widget and Popups separated. - New Feature: Option to display "Someone" instead of Customer's First Name and Last Name. - New Feature: Translations. Yeah, now you can translate the plugin in any language. - Bug Fix: Customer's City can now be displayed in popup or widget. - Bug Fix: Order Total can now be displayed in popup or widget. - Bug Fix: Counter of items included in order (if more than one item) will now show up in popup and widget. 31 May, 2016 - v 2.0.3 - Bug Fix: Incorrect time on popups - Rearranged plugin settings and added descriptions - Self-troubleshooting section added in documentation 18 May, 2016 - v 2.0.2 - Bug Fix: Order Status not saving in plugin settings for some sites resulting in popup not showing. 10 May, 2016 - v 2.0.1 - Removed Feature: Popup views and click statistics due to performance issues. We'll investigate and bring this feature back soon. Sorry for the inconvenience 10 May, 2016 - v 2.0 - New Feature: View total number of times popup is shown to your visitors - New Feature: View total number of clicks in popups - New Feature: Ability to disable Live Feed popup on Page, Post or Product - New Feature: Set delay between popups - New Feature: Set how long you want popup to show up - New Feature: Limit how many times popup to show on visitor's screen - New Feature: Ability to add UTM parameters using Google's URL Builder Tool to track clicks on Google Analytics 26 November 2015 - v 1.5 - New Feature: Enable/Disable Popups on Mobile devices - New Feature: Adjust Popup Speed 10 November 2015 - v 1.4.4 - Bug Fix: Mobile Responsiveness - Bug Fix: Orders not included in Live Feed if Customer Permission on Checkout is disabled. Now they will be included. 28 June 2015 - v 1.4.3 - Bug Fix: jQuery fix for scroller 9 March 2015 - v 1.4.2 - Bug Fix: Enable/Disable Display City option now shows up in settings page - Bug Fix: Include/Exclude Checkbox on Order Edit page now works - Bug Fix: Live Feed widget now works with WP Supercache 13 February 2015 - v 1.4.1 - New Feature: Enable/Disable purchased 'x' time ago on Popup - New Feature: Enable/Disable Customer Permission on Checkout page - New Feature: Localization for 'Bought by' text on frontend - Full Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3 verified. If it doesn't work for you, please send an email to support@appzab.com 10 February 2015 - v 1.4 - New Feature: Show First Name, Last Name or both - New Feature: Display Order Totals - New Feature: Set Scroll Interval - New Feature: Set How many items to show in feed - New Feature: Set Carousel Height - New Feature: Set Direction of Scroll to Up, Down, Left, Right - New Feature: Set Popup border radius (Try 100px for curved popup) - New Feature: Set Popup opacity - New Feature: Set what text to show on Checkout page for asking permission from customer to include the order in live feed - Various bug fixes 25 January 2015 - v 1.3 (Not released publicly on codecanyon. Was available only for support tickets) - Bug fixes 13 November 2014 - v 1.2 New Feature - Popup Notifications 5 October 2014 - v. 1.1 - Compatibility for WooCommerce 2.2.x - Fixed issues that didn't load the plugin on category pages of some themes 7 May 2014 - v.1.0.1 (no code change) included plugin zip file in the main folder for easy installation. Support for WooCommerce 2.0.x removed 7 April, 2014 - v1.0.1 - Fix: CSS for several themes - Fix: Code Cleanup - Change: Default date format changed to d/m/Y from Y/m/d - Change: 3 items will show by default in the widget instead of 2 27 March, 2014 1.0 - Initial Release </ul></table></div>