WooCommerce Loyal Customer And Customer Label Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Loyal Customer and Customer Label is a woocommerce extension gives ability to merchant to increase the loyality of customer towards their shop. Customer attract to purchase anything from your shop and everytime he gets benefits and rewards.
With each purchase customer bind with your shop for next purchases because as much as he spend to your shop custmer and merchant both gets benefits.
Features :
WooCommerce Loyal Customer and Customer Label is a fantasic plugin to build the customer loyality and boost the sales.
There are following feature which each merchant as well customer want to buy and sell any products.
1. Customer Label : This is the key feature of plugin which feel proud to customer that he has a label on shop and as long as he purchase from site he get rewards and benefits as much as customer spend on shop his label increases his rewards and benefits increases.
2. Labelwise Discount: As per customer label customer get disount for next some purchase as defined in the setting of label creation.
3. Discount type : Two type of Discount available – Fixed & Percentage.
4. Apply Label : When customer spend in a range as defined in a label then label is applied to that customer and he get the rewards and benefits of that label.
5. Discount Limit : A label discount is applied upto limited Orders. Disount is applied automatically to the order.