WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management Plugin provides option to manage Product Stock from Multiple Locations for your WooCommerce Store.
Our plugin is designed to help WooCommerce based eCommerce store that ships products to its customers around the globe from multiple warehouses or a company that sells products from its stores in different locations. The plugin automatically detects the nearest Product Location. It also shows Availability and Pricing of Product based on the location of a product.
Features of #1 Multi Locations for WooCommerce Plugin:
40+ FEATURES. INCREDIBLE VALUE. Multi Locations Stock / Inventory Management WooCommerce Plugin is a simple to use, yet incredibly powerful plugin, with richest feature set.
✔ Manage Products stock across multiple locations, Warehouses, or Stores.
✔ Visitors can find and choose a Location near them on Product Pages or Globally on the website.
✔ Option to Automatically choose nearest product location based on users address. (Requires Google Map API key )
✔ Displays product Quantity or Availability based on the location.
✔ Supports Muliti Locations for Simple as well as Variable product type
✔ Option to add Location-wise Price
✔ Ajax add to cart with Selected Location. Ajax add to cart allows users to include location info of simple products or variable products in the cart without page reload. It also works on shop pages to speed up the buying process.
✔ Rules based Order Fulfillment Flow.
Fulfillment from Most / Lowest inventory in stock
Fulfillment from Closest location to shipping address
Fulfillment as per Location Priority
✔ Product Central. Easy way to Bulk edit and Manage Products from all locations on one screen.
✔ Store Locator on Google Maps, Allows your users to find stores nearby or close to their location using map. Filter Stores on map by products or radius.
✔ Backend only mode. Allows admins to assign fulfillment locations to order from backend, customer won’t have to choose locations while ordering.
✔ Set Locations as Local Pickup Locations for the customer to display or choose a pickup location at checkout.
✔ Location Shop Page. Separate page which lists product available at particular Location.
✔ Lists only Selected Locations products. WooCommerce shop page shows only filtered products from globally selected Locations. Hide Locations from our website’s frontend pages using this option
✔ SubLocation for more granular level inventory control. Sublocations can be rack, bin number, shelf number, sub-area of a warehouse, floor, building etc.
✔ Location Groups to club your various locations into one group. It can represent City, Region, District, State or Country etc. It’s very useful to aggregate inventory availability across multiple locations.
✔ Option to assign Shop Managers to locations
✔ Notify Location Managers or Employees. Admin Order notification emails are also sent to the Locations email ID and WooCommerce locations Managers.
✔ Assign Specific Payment Methods to locations
✔ Automatically detect user’s geolocation from browser and allocate Woocommerce Location based on geolocation.
✔ When visitors revisit the website, the site will show the same location visitor had chosen on their previous visit.
✔ Adds each location’s Inventory to your default Woocommerce inventory
✔ Plugin Increase Conversion by Suggesting another nearest location availability of product when its out of stock at selected location
✔ Visitors can see selected warehouse / location on checkout and cart page.
✔ Restrict customer to specific locations from WordPress Backend
✔ REST API to get and update product stock for locations
✔ Show Distance to Selected WooCommerce Location in Kilometer or Miles
✔ Add Unlimited Warehouse or Stock Locations for WooCommerce easily without any extra cost
Manage inventory easily with one dashboard
Simplify your operations and increase your efficiencies with one dashboard
Product Central is a powerful dashboard for Bulk edit and Manage Products from all locations on one screen. Our Customers are using Product Central to figure out the innovative way to control inventory to improve inefficiencies and maximize profits.
Additionally, Quickly update locations stock levels by updating stock through product listing page in WooCommerce Backend Dashboard. The Stock Update/Edit icons on the WooCommerce Product list in the backend dashboard will give you a popup for updating your inventory.
Complete Shipping Solution for Businesses with Multiple Locations
Save Cost and Time by shipping items from multiple locations.
✔ Assign a Delivery area for Location with WooCommerce Shipping Zone
✔ Split Shipping Package by locations on checkout. Effortlessly ship and track items separately if ordered from different locations.
✔ Multi-Location Shipping Support. Compatible with
WooCommerce Shipping Pro for UPS
WooCommerce Shipping Pro for FedEx
WooCommerce Shipping Pro for EasyPost Supports 100+ carriers
✔ Compatible with Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce by bolderelements. Create your own shipping rates based on location
✔ Compatible with WooCommerce Advanced Shipping by sormano. Create your own shipping rules based on location.
✔ Compatible with ShipStation Integration
by WooCommerce. The plugin sends Location to a custom field to Shipstation and Automation Rules Route order to Locations in shipstation.
✔ Compatible with Distance Rate Shipping for WooCommerce plugin
✔ Compatible with Local Pickup for WooCommerce plugin
✔ Addon to Split Order based on Locations. Automatically separate orders as per the items in the cart based on the selected locations of the product.
Sell in Multiple Physical Stores and Online
WooCommerce MultiLocation Plugin integrates with POS plugins and lets you sell stock available in your various outlet, both online and offline to maximise the profit. Plugins let you continuously update the stock in stores and on the website. This means that when products get sold in outlet, they’re automatically taken into account and the correct stock number is shown on your website.
✔ Compatible with OpenPOS – WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS)
✔ Compatible with Point of Sale for WooCommerce by Actuality Extensions
✔ Compatible with StockUpp POS for WooCommerce by techspawn
Import & Export Stock with Ease
✔ Compatible with WP All Import for Import / Export of Stock.
✔ Free Addon for Import & Export Stock Quantities via CSV & Excel
More powerful when combined with other top-selling plugins.
✔ Get more out of WooCommerce Multi-location plugin by using it with StockUpp for WooCommerce! Using StockUpp, you can organize your sales, purchase orders, suppliers, shipments etc. It also gives Sales, Purchase, Inventory Reports based on locations.
✔ Multi-Currency Support. Compatible with Multi-Currency for WooCommerce Plugin
✔ Create Dynamic Pricing and Discounts for your locations easily. Compatible with Discount Rules for WooCommerce – PRO plugin by flycart
✔ Compatible with WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce
✔ Compatible with WooCommerce Quickbooks Connector plugin
✔ Compatible with Yoast SEO plugin
Sales Report By Location (FREE Addon)
This FREE addon adds Sales by Location report tab to your WooCommerce Reports, allowing you to view Sales reports for specific locations at any time.
Report of Sales by Location is an important tool for business owners to understand location aspects of sales, how much is being sold at each location, which locations are performing the best and so on. You can identify the marketing strategy that will work best for that region by drilling down into location reports.
Easy to Install and Configure
✔ This plugin is well documented and includes step by step instructions for installation and configuration. It helps to configure it to suit specific user needs.
✔ Developer Friendly. We like to work with other WordPress developers. If you need assistants to use our product for your projects, just open a support ticket.
✔ Customisable. We made sure our plugin would cover most of the use cases, but if you have any unusual requirements that need a customisation in plugin, we’re more than happy to do a paid customization.
✔ No Monthly / Yearly Fees.
Benefits of WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Plugin
✔ WooCommerce Inventory Management plugin allows you to view a list of locations and their inventory levels and easily make changes to product prices, stock levels, and other location-specific details.
✔ WooCommerce Inventory Management (Multi-Location) plugin helps you to make informed decisions about which products to stock, where to place them, and how much to order.
✔ Keep your website’s inventory in-sync across all locations / warehouses/ shops / branch using this plugin.
✔ Easy to manage multiple locations, both for product and orders
✔ No need to manage and install multiple WordPress sites and sync inventory across each site.
✔ Delegate Locations Management to Shop Managers
✔ Collect payments for each location using separate Payment Method
✔ Connect and Sync your Mulitlocations stock to third party inventory tools with WooCommerce REST API
✔ Assign a Delivery area for Location with Shipping Zone
Have any Question?
Feel free to ask our Support if you looking for any additional features Or have Pre-Sale Question for Woccomerce Multi Warehouse Plugin
For Free configuration support send request to Skype: techspawn1 or Email to support@techspawn.com
Read more about us at: www.techspawn.com
= Version 3.2.6= November 16, 2022 [New] Advanced List view with shipping cost and time [New] Compatibilty with StockUpp POS for WooCommerce by techspawn [Fix] 20+ fixes related to user experience = Version 3.2.5= October 27, 2022 [Fix] Stock is not available for the product, it is still displayed as in stock in the product edit. [Fix] Total stock is not reducing after deleting the location for variable product. [Fix] When the Limit 1 location per order setting is enabled, the location is not selectable in the location drop down. [Fix] "Show Next Closest in stock Location" settings is not working as expected. = Version 3.2.4= October 17, 2022 [Fix] The option "use current location" does not appear in the Location dropdown after clicking on it. [Fix] When product is on "Allow Backorder" , the on frontend add to cart button is not working with list view(display setting) [Fix] ]Backend only mode >> Product total count is not displayed when we use 'Location with most inventory in stock' rule [Fix] Local pickup location > The pickup location address should be displayed the same for both frontend and backend only modes. = Version 3.2.3= October 11, 2022 [New] Option to Set Location Cookie Time [Fix] If admin enter sale price greater than regular price in product central then the message should be displayed as "please enter a value less than the regular price". = Version 3.2.2= October 01, 2022 [Fix] Simplify backend-only mode settings. [Fix] Backorder setting is not working for variable product [Fix] The checkout page is always loading with Backend only modes 2nd rule [Fix] Show address details >It displays the street address twice on the product details page with list view. [Fix] Hide the location dropdown on the product page if the stock status for a specific product variation is disabled. = Version 3.2.1= September 24, 2022 [Fix] Facing error on checkout page "Error processing checkout. Please try again" Can't place an order. [Fix] Local pickup location(Back end only mode) Issue for both simple and variable product [Fix] Added validation > Multilocation > Local Pickup location when the product stock is 0 = Version 3.2.0= September 17, 2022 [Fix] Manage location> location priority field is displayed when the back end-only mode is disabled. [Fix] "The total stock does not equal the total stock of the locations." even when the total stock quantity is the same. [Fix] Allow Backorder > List view > Both variable and Simple product "On Backorder" text does not appear = Version 3.1.8= August 13, 2022 [Fix] Aligment issues on frontend = Version 3.1.7= August 06, 2022 [Fix] Critical error in backend only mode [Fix] Restrict user's setting issue [Fix] Detect location on page load setting = Version 3.1.6= August 02, 2022 [Fix] Multilocation backend mode rule 2 having issue on checkout page [Fix] Enable WC Tax Class For Each Line Item [Fix] shop now functionality on variable product [Fix] WCPOS compatibility - Set one outlet to one location, Added backorder support [Fix] WCPOS stock count issue = Version 3.1.5= July 18, 2022 [Fix] Add to cart issue on the location page [Fix] Detect location on page load [Fix] Nearby location finder = Version 3.1.4= July 02, 2022 [Fix] Backend only mode - rewriting closest location by shipping address [Fix] Code optimization [Fix] Stock Updation issue once order is placed with rule [Fix] Backend only mode order critical error once order is placed with php8 = Version 3.1.3= June 19, 2022 [New] Compatibility with ShipStation for WooCommerce = Version 3.1.2= May 29, 2022 [New] Nearby location feature when using Backend only mode [New] Compatibility with Point of Sale for WooCommerce by Actuality Extensions = Version 3.0.9= March 22, 2022 [Fix] Order page filter issue = Version 3.0.7= Feb 28, 2022 [Fix] Email notification fixes [Fix] Validation for max item allocation in order from backend [Fix] Product count issue for backend only mode. = Version 3.0.5= Jan 16, 2022 [Fix] Variable products location dropdown issue. = Version 3.0.3= December 18, 2021 [New] Custom Message for Notification [Fix] Product Central Fix for huge data [Fix] Manage Stock / Stock Updation Improvements = Version 3.0.2= December 4, 2021 [New] Import Export AddOn [Initial Release] [New] Get Direction on the selection of location at the product page [New] Split Shipping Package by locations [Enhancement] - Shop Page Filter product by stock for the selected location [Fix] Main Stock update issue on quick edit at product listing page [Fix] Variable product stock update issue on quick edit at product listing page = Version 3.0.1= November 28, 2021 [NEW] Product central new option for MANAGE STOCK in product central [Fix] Fixes for location group options [Fix] Safari browser issue for variable product = Version 3.0.0= November 18, 2021 [New] Add Location Group feature for multilocation inventory. [New] Added Location group taxonomy. [New] Added Location group user role. [New] Shortcode for location group select view [New] Update on popup shortcode if location group enable. [New] Location group control options. [Fix] For shop managers permission to view and restrict location-specific orders. [New] Location group manager support for view/update stock and price (regular and sale price) on inventory. [Fix] On select safari browser issues updated. [New] On select location Set cookies Location Term and Location Group ID to support custom development. [Fix] Backend Only (Reduce stock as per shipping zone). = Version 1.2.16= November 4, 2021 [Fixed] Screen hang issue & Backorder issue for restricted users [Fixed] Update restrict users to particular location logic = Version 1.2.15= November 1, 2021 [Fixed] Backend only mode line items sorting = Version 1.2.14= October 9, 2021 [Fixed] Product central issue = Version 1.2.13 = October 4, 2021 [Fixed] On order place mail not sent issue fixed. [Fixed] Fixed rest apis permission callback error [Fixed] = Fixed Backend only mode stock deducted when order created [Fixed] if manage stock disables still showing location on product list page fixed [Fixed] in stock status as per wc settings if nearby location finder on [Enhancement] Limit one location per order works with nearby location finder [Enhancement] Refactor code, Removed unnecessary inventory log code, created empty table on activation [Enhancement] Removed inventory logs dead code. [Fixed] same product with same location added as new item in cart issue fixed [Fixed] location not showing selected after product add to cart issue fixed [Fixed] Fixed nearby location finder issues [Fixed] Fixed multiple undefined notices on locations map page & added some validation in create locations rest api [Enhancement] enable billing for map api error has been tracked for Validate api click [Fixed] = Created location by api it doesn't appear on the map. [Fixed] = Variable Product Accept button issue [Fixed] = Force visitors to location popup closed on esc button issue fixed [Enhancement] = Set popup icon position [Fixed] = OpenPOS issue on order refund locations stock not updated [Fixed] = Fixed validate api url protocol issue http/https [Fixed] = Fixed undefined variable error on order line item location dropdown. [Fixed] = Fixed WC Rest API Publicly available issue = Version 1.2.12 = August 28, 2021 Fix: Shortcode tab and Shortcode documentation Fix: Savay theme compatibility = Version 1.2.11 = August 18, 2021 Fix: X store theme compatibility fixes Fix: Next available stock = Version 1.2.10 = August 02, 2021 New: Product Central. Easy way to Bulk edit and Manage Products from all locations on one screen. New: Cron and button to update the total of location stock to the main stock Fix: Location selection Issue for safari browser and iOS Fix: Share my location not working = Version 1.2.9 = July 26, 2021 New: Stock update popup on WooCommerce Product list page. Now quickly update locations stock from one page = Version 1.2.8 = July 20, 2021 New: List and Grid view for locations New: Bulk allocate default location to products Fix: Regular price sale price issue on variable product Fix: Clear cart fix for WooCommerce version 5.5.1 = Version 1.2.7 = July 8, 2021 New: Bulk allocate default location to users Fix: Local Pickup Location for backend mode Fix: Virtual and Downloadable products add to cart issue = Version 1.2.6 = July 3, 2021 Add: Set locations as Local Pickup Locations Add: Compatibility with Woocommerce Composite Product Plugin by SomewhereWarm Fix: Allow to order from only one location per order issue fixed = Version 1.2.5 = June 18, 2021 Add: Rules based order fulfillment: Fulfillment from most inventory in stock Fulfillment from Closest location to shipping address Fulfillment as per Location priority Add: Default location setting = Version 1.2.4 = June 5, 2021 Fix: Variation Product Sale price fix Fix: Location Email Notification template Add: Option to disable plugin CSS Add: Location Cluster on Store locator map = Version 1.2.3 = May 28, 2021 Add: Ajax add to cart with selected location Add: Location Support for Manage stock at product level for variable products Fix: Location shop manager fixes Fix: Order filter by location = Version 1.2.2 = May 20, 2021 Add: Woocommerce Advanced shipping Compatibility Add: Option to allocate orders automatically to Nearest Location using Customer Shipping address Add: WPML Compatibility (WIP) Fix: Code optimization & Reorganisation of Settings = Version 1.2.1 = May 8, 2021 Add: Location filter widget Add: Compatibility with Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce plugin Fix: Minor UI and UX issues = Version 1.2.0 = May 1, 2021 Add: Store Locator on Google Maps, Allows users to find stores nearby or close to their location using map. Add: Store List shortcode Add: Backend only mode, allows admins to assign order locations from backend Add: List only Selected Locations products. Add: Location Shop Page. Separate page which lists product available at particular Location. Fix: Backorder Issues = Version 1.1.7 = April 25, 2021 Fix: Backorder issues Add: Hide out of stock locations = Version 1.1.6 = April 17, 2021 Add: Assign Shipping Methods to locations Fix: Bug fixes = Version 1.1.5 = April 7, 2021 Add: Compatibility with Openpos - WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS) Add: Better UI with design preview and color options for location data Add: Compatibility with Yoast SEO Add: Option to Limit users to order from only one location Add: Suggest other nearest location when product is out of stock = Version 1.1.4 = March 15, 2021 Add: Create Sub-location under locations Add: Assign Payment Methods to locations Add: Hide/show location on frontend = Version 1.1.3 = March 3, 2021 Add: assign Shop Managers to locations Fix: Enhanced way to store inventory in database = Version 1.1.2 = Add: Restrict customers to specific locations Add: Compressed js files for better speed = Version 1.1.1 = Add: Locations Distance from the entered address Add: Option to add location-wise price = Version 1.1.0 = Note: If you are upgrading from 1.0.0, previously created locations will be deleted, and need to create those once again. Add: Assign Shipping zones to each location Add: Shortcode to select a sitewide location Add: Option to detect visitors location and set nearby location = Version 1.0.0 = - Initial Realase.