WooCommerce Order Communication | Customer And Admin Conversation Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce Order Communication
WooCommerce Order Communication module allows admin and customers to communicate over the orders. Each order has it’s own conversation panel and will be very helpful to resolve all the queries of customers. Customers & Admin are able to share attachments with each other for the order conversation.
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Features of WooCommerce Order Communication
- Admin can enable/disable the module functionality.
- Admin can enable the communication for different types of order status.
- Admin can enable/disable attachment sharing in order communication.
- Admin can enable/disable admin notification via mail when customer responds.
- Admin can enable/disable customer notification via mail when admin responds.
- Admin can set the font color of the sender’s message.
- Admin can set the background color of the sender’s message.
- Admin can set the font color of the receiver’s message.
- Admin can set the background color of the receiver’s message.
- Customers can communicate with admin from order view page.
- Admin can communicate with customer from edit order page.
- Complete Editor will be there for the communication.
- Messages will be private and secured.
- UI is completely responsive.
- Compatible with all the themes.
- WooCommerce Email Templates are supported for notifications.
- Multilingual is also supported with the given .pot file in the plugin.
Configuration – WooCommerce Order Communication
Activate License
Here, You need to enter the purchase code to activate your license in order to use this plugin.
Admin can enable/disable the functionalities for the customers.
Allowed Order Status
Here, Admin can enable the order status for which communication between admin and customers is enabled.
Enable Attachment Sharing
Here, Admin can enable/disable attachment sharing in order communication.
Enable Admin Notification via Mail
Here, Admin can enable/disable the notification via mail for admin when customer responds to order communication.
Enable Customer Notification via Mail
Here, Admin can enable/disable the notification via mail for customers when admin responds to order communication.
Sender’s Message Font Color
Here, Admin can set the font color of the sender’s message.
Sender’s Message Background Color
Here, Admin can set the background color of the sender’s message.
Receiver’s Message Font Color
Here, Admin can set the font color of the receiver’s message.
Receiver’s Message Background Color
Here, Admin can set the background color of the receiver’s message.
WooCommerce Email Template – WooCommerce Order Communication
Admin can configure Email Templates for the WooCommerce Order Communication notification mails which will be delivered to customers.
Admin End Communication – WooCommerce Order Communication
On edit order page at backend, admin can find a meta box for Order Communication from where admin can send message to the customers for their query for that particular order. Admin can also send attachments if enabled from configuration.
Customer End Communication – WooCommerce Order Communication
On order view page at frontend, customers can find a area for Order Communication from where they can send messages to the admin for their query for that particular order. Customers can also send attachments if enabled from configuration.
Email Notification – WooCommerce Order Communication
Both admin and customers will be notified via mail if enabled from configuration for the message respond in the communication.
Multilingual – WooCommerce Order Communication
Admin can use .pot file which is provided within the plugin in the languages folder from which they can translate the plugin.
Dear Customers, if you have any question/query with the plugin or need any special customizing, please contact us at support@devdiggers.com. We will do our best to answer as quick as possible. If you have a moment, please rate our plugins, We’ll appreciate it very much!….Thank you.
Change Log
v 1.1.1 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Updated license API. Resolved security issues.
v 1.1.0 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Added chat box on order received page. Added compatibility with attachment icon with all themes. Added new hooks. Resolved security issues.
v 1.0.2 Added compatibility with WooCommerce 5.7.x Added new hooks. Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.1 Added compatibility with WordPress 5.8.x Added compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5.x Added empty message check. Added new hooks. Removed notice display on all pages from backend. Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.0 Initial Release