WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
![WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download](https://wp-plugins-directory.com/wp-content/uploads/woocommerce-poor-guys-swiss-knife-preview.jpg)
Plugin Description
WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife powerloads your standard WooCommerce installation. You can fine-tune your shop, customize your checkout forms, adapt your shop for country specific needs, set rules for cart operations and a lot more.
WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife comes packaged with real value and no restrictions. The big brother WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife offers additional stuff and features.
Most important WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife Features
Checkout / My Account:
- WooCommerce Checkout form customization (works also for billing and shipping fields on the customer’s “My Account” page)
- Drag and Drop for all Checkout form fields to order all fields (WooCommerce built-in fields and your custom fields)
- Support for all input types and data (select, checkbox, radio, text, textarea, date picker, time picker, number ranges, password, email) without restrictions
- Full i18n support to allow localization and translation of all labels, placeholders
- Remove WooCommerce built-in fields
- Manage required state for all fields
- Handle minimum and maximum calendar offset for date fields
- Separate built-in billing and shipping fields from your own custom fields adding a custom title
- Manage built-in and custom field alignment and span for each field (left, right, full)
- Add second email validator field for built-in email field
- Add second validator field to custom input fields for passwords, custom email fields, etc.
- Hide captured data in emails and receipts on a per field basis
- Load values and options into inputs and selects via custom javascript
- Restrict payment gateways on a per product basis loading the most restrictive set of gateways if customer cart holds more than one product
- Configure and handle behaviour of vital built-in fields for enabled countries (checkout form reconfigures dynamically when customer switches billing or shipping country and this allows you to handle labels and placeholders for enabled countries)
- Set labels for shop buttons (Add to Cart, Read more, On Sale, Select options, tax, etc.)
- Manage available payment gateways on a per product basis with intelligent filter to show the most restrictive combination when a customer has more than one product in his cart
- Add one cc and one bcc email to all emails send by WooCommerce
- Price labels including labels for free price and free sales price on a per product basis
- Extend all price labels appending or prefixing your text on a per product basis
- Set required minimum / allowed maximum and incremental steps globally for all products based on product type
- Aggregate required minimum / allowed maximum based on item quantities
- Set minimum, maximum and incremental steps on a per product basis
- Switch off quantity input for product types
- Add empty cart button with/without confirmation
Features available with WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife (WCRGSK)
- Priceable product extras which show up on the product page before adding products to cart
- Additional customer/party members
- Repeater sections for item personalization to allow customers to provide several data sets for cart items
- Automatic user registration for additional users/members notified for a product item
- Add as many item personalizations form sections as you want
- Checkout personalization on a per product and variation basis
- Min/Max/Step quantity settings and backorder support for variations
- Product filters based on categories and/or attributes for shop page
- Attach another general form section to checkout form apart from billing, shipping and comment section
- Manage order comments section (add fields, manage title, label and placeholder for comment textarea or hide section)
- Variation bulk manager to apply configurations to variations based on filters
- Add Variation description
- Html injects (Add whatever you want in between your checkout form fields)
- Color picker field
- Acceptable terms and conditions on per product basis in checkout form
- File uploads for checkout form sections and on a per product basis
- Advanced quantity and backorder management for products and variations
- Filter products to be displayed on main shop page
- Advanced email management to add more email recipients for specific contexts like new order, processing order, out of stock, backorder, etc.
- Set minimum amount and maximum amount needed or necessary to checkout a cart
Features available with WooCommerce Extra Guys Swiss Knife (WCEGSK)
- Priceable product extras which show up on the product page before adding products to cart
- Customizable product notifications for suppliers and others, product stock notifications for suppliers and third parties
Data captured via customized (added) form fields is available within your order administration and will be added in the appropriate sections of the individual orders. What shows up can be configured for each individual custom field. Data captured will be shown to the customer on the order receipt page and in emails.
WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife has been developed in cooperation with Nicestay to set up a transfer and shuttle service website related with their short term rental business of apartments in Barcelona.
The companion plugin WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife allows you to add more tools to your swiss knife like custom fields on a per product and per variation basis for checkout forms and a lot more.
What’s new?
- XML export for orders and order item meta in WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife
- Manage price labels on per product basis
- WooCommerce 2.3 compatibility
- input pattern attribute support with fallback for Safari browser
- Add one CC and/or BCC email recipient to all WooCommerce emails
- Global minimum and maximum for item quantities
- Year and month dropdown selection for calendars
- Improved min/max/step settings with support for 0 for quantity inputs in all contexts
- Stylable representation of captured data
- Priceable product extras with WooCommerce Rich and WooCommerce Extra Guys Swiss Knife
- Notification emails on a per product level with WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife
- Dataset repeater sections with WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife to capture several datasets (students, party members, etc.) in the context of a product item in the customer cart
What’s on its way?
- Tax exempt support with WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife
- Anticipation payments
Settings Page WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife.
WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife checkout page example.
Settings page with WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife enabled
WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife checkout example
WooCommerce Extra and Rich Guys Swiss Knife product extras configuration
Product with Product Extras presentation