WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
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WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later module allows customers to purchase products from your store without actual paying upto the limit set by Admin and then they can clear their dues later. Admin can set the limit of PostPaid balance which can be used by the customers on the store purchase.
When your customers browse products on your site, there’s always a chance that they will postpone purchasing because of insufficient funds. With PostPaid, they won’t have to abandon their carts, they can purchase on the spot. What’s more, you can choose to charge interest on transactions made with PostPaid. This can increase your site’s revenue.
Why choose our plugin?
All our products are meeting the WordPress quality standards including security, quality, performance and modern coding standards. For this, We are also awarded with WP Requirements Compliant Badge by Envato for our CodeCanyon Profile.
Features of WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
- Admin can Enable/Disable the module functionality for the customers.
- Admin can set the limit of the postpaid balance.
- Customers can apply for the postpaid after uploading their verification documents.
- The Admin can set the verification status of the document to pending, eligible, and rejected after checking it.
- Admin can view the list of users and their PostPaid balance.
- Admin can allow re-uploading of documents if it got rejected.
- The Admin can enable/disable the PostPaid payment gateway.
- Admin can view all the transactions done related to postpaid.
- Admin can set the interest charges which will be added in clearing postpaid dues.
- Admin can view all the details of any particular transaction.
- Customers are able to purchase the products with PostPaid balance in the store then clear their dues later.
- Customers can check their PostPaid balance.
- All customers need to clear their postpaid dues from my account page.
- Customers can view all the transaction details.
- Customers can view all the details of any particular transaction.
- Refunds with postpaid are also supported.
- WooCommerce Email templates are added for PostPaid related mails.
- Multilingual is also supported by the given .pot file in the plugin.
Configuration – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
Activate License
Here, You need to enter the purchase code to activate your license in order to use this plugin.
Admin can enable/disable the functionalities for the customers.
Enable re-upload of documents for verification if rejected:
Here, Admin can enable/disable this setting so customers can or cannot re-upload their verification documents if it got rejected by Admin.
Default Limit:
Here, Admin can set the limit for the PostPaid balance which customers can use during the purchase in the store. Default value: 1000.
Interest Charges Type:
Here, Admin can set the interest charges type as percentage or fixed by which interest charges get calculated at customer’s end on clearing their postpaid dues.
Interest Charges:
Here, Admin can set the interest charges which is gonna added to the postpaid dues amount at the customer’s end. If not entered, no interest charges will be there.
Configure Payment Gateway:
Here, Admin can configure the PostPaid Payment Gateway so that customers can use it during checkout if they have enough balance. So after clicking this configure button, admin will redirects into payment gateway configuration page.
Payment Gateway
Admin can enable/disable the payment gateway during checkout.
Here, Admin can set the title of the payment gateway which is going to shown during checkout.
Here, Admin can set the description of the payment gateway which is going to shown during checkout.
Here, Admin can set the instructions for the payment gateway which will be shown on thankyou page.
Enable for shipping methods:
Here, Admin can set the shipping methods for which this payment gateway will be available during checkout.
Accept for virtual orders:
Here, Admin can enable/disable the payment gateway for virtual orders.
Users – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
On visiting Users submenu, Admin will see the users list in which he can see the multiple information of the users like verification document, PostPaid balance, PostPaid dues, email, username and verification status. Admin can also change the verification status by row or bulk actions for the users.
Transactions – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
On visiting transactions submenu, Admin can check the transactions related to PostPaid. Admin can also view any particular transaction for more details. Admin can delete the transactions from row and bulk actions.
The admin can click on any transaction ID to view the full transaction details.
WooCommerce Email Template – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
Admin can configure Email Templates for the PostPaid related mails which is going to delivered to customers.
Refunds – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
PostPaid payment gateway also supports refunds. Admin can refund the amount partially or fully for the order in which PostPaid payment gateway was used.
Customer End – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
Customers can visit the PostPaid menu from WooCommerce My Account page. Here, customers can see all the data related to PostPaid.
Now, customers need to upload the verification document then when Admin confirms it and set the verification status Eligible for the customer then he is able to use the PostPaid services. After uploading the verification document, customer will see the page as below.
Now when Admin check the verification document and set the verification status to Eligible for the customer. Then customer will be able to see the option to apply for PostPaid.
When customer applied for the PostPaid, he/she will see this page. Here, customer can see his current limit, balance and dues for the PostPaid. Customers can also see the transactions below when they use PostPaid services.
Now, customers can use the PostPaid during checkout. After placing order, customers will see their dues on PostPaid menu on My Account page.
Customers can see the transactions in the PostPaid menu on my accounts page.
On clicking any transaction ID, customer can see more transaction details.
Then customer need to click on Clear Dues button to clear their dues.
After clicking on Clear Dues button, customer get redirected to cart page with dues amount. Then he/she need to actual pay using any other payment gateway on checkout page.
After placing this order, when Admin completed it after confirming. Customer dues will get cleared and he/she can use their full PostPaid Balance again.
Multilingual – WooCommerce PostPaid – Buy Now Pay Later
Admin can use .pot file which is provided within the plugin zip in the languages folder by which they can translate the plugin.
Dear Customers, if you have any questions or queries or need assistance with our WooCommerce extensions or development services, kindly connect with us from our contact page or mail us at support@devdiggers.com. We will do our best to answer as quickly as possible. If you have a moment, please rate our plugins, We’ll appreciate it very much!….Thank you.
Change Log
v 1.3.1 Added WooCommerce HPOS compatibility. Added hooks for the customization. Added compatibility with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Resolved security issues.
v 1.3.0 Added functionality to adjust dues amount from the backend. Added hooks for the customization. Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Resolved security issues.
v 1.2.0 Added functionality to set different PostPaid limits for different users. Added hooks for the customization. Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Resolved security issues.
v 1.1.4 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Resolved security issues.
v 1.1.3 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Updated license API. Resolved security issues.
v 1.1.2 Added compatibility for WooCommerce 5.7.x. Added compatibility for WordPress 5.8.x. Fixed security issues.
v 1.1.1 Added compatibility for WooCommerce 4.8.x. Added compatibility for WordPress 5.6.x. Fixed security issues.
v 1.1.0 Added interest charges as percentage or fixed on clearing postpaid dues. Added compatibility for WooCommerce 4.6.0. Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.1 Added License Activation in configuration menu. Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.0 Initial Release