WooCommerce Product Subtitle Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin comes with a rich set of options to make it really simple and easy to add a subtitle to the products on your WooCommerce store.
Why use this extension?
Adding a product subtitle can help to catch the visitor’s attention and encourage them to view the product information. This will keep your site to improve SEO and also they can show interest in purchasing the product.
Workflow & Support
- Site admin can change the various positions to render the product subtitle in shop and single product pages.
- Site admin can show or hide the product subtitle in cart, checkout and view order pages.
- Site admin can show or hide the product subtitle in a mini cart.
- Site admin can show or hide the product subtitle in WooCommerce order emails.
- Site admin can restrict the product subtitle for specific products and product categories.
- Site admin can restrict the product subtitle for specific user roles..
- Site admin can hide the product subtitle for out of stock products..
- Site admin can render the product subtitle anywhere on the site via our shortcode..
- Site admin can customize the product subtitle using WP editor.
- Easy to use.
- Add catchy information about the product.
- Encourages visitors’ attention.
- Improves WordPress SEO.
- Reduces bounce rate.
How to use
After activation of Easy Product Subtitle for WooCommerce, navigate to: WooCommerce > Settings > Product Subtitle to setup the plugin settings.
- Enable Allow Product Subtitle so that store owners can start adding the subtitle for the products in their shop.
- When Use WordPress Editor in Edit Product Page option is enabled, store owners can add or customize the subtitle using WordPress editor. i.e, the default textarea field will be replaced with WordPress editor.
- Use Shop Page Positions option to select the various positions to display the product subtitle in the shop page. Available positions are Before Product Title, Before Product Rating, Before Product Price, After Product Title, After Product Rating and After Product Price.
- Use Single Product Page Positions option to select the various positions to display the product subtitle in the single product page. Available positions are Before Product Title, Before Product Price, After Product Title, After Product Price and Before Add to Cart.
- To hide product subtitle in the mini cart, enable Hide in Mini Cart option.
- To hide product subtitle in the cart and checkout pages, enable Hide in Cart and Checkout Page option.
- To hide product subtitle in the view order page, enable Hide in View Order Page option.
- To hide product subtitle in WC emails, enable Hide in WC Email option.
- To hide product subtitle for the out of stock products, enable Hide When Product is Out of Stock option.
- To show or hide the product subtitle to specific products or product categories use the option Products Selection.
- When Include Products option is selected under Products Selection then the product subtitle will be displayed only for the products which are selected here.
- When Exclude Products option is selected under Products Selection then the product subtitle will be displayed other than the products which are selected here.
- When Include Product Categories option is selected under Products Selection then the product subtitle will be displayed only for the products belonging to the categories which are selected here.
- When Exclude Product Categories option is selected under Products Selection then the product subtitle will be displayed to the products other than the product categories which are selected here.
- To hide the product subtitle for the specific user roles then select the user roles under the option Exclude User Roles.
Settings Screenshot
Edit Product Page Subtitle Screenshot
Shop Page Screenshot
Product Page Screenshot
Cart Page Screenshot
Thank You Page Screenshot
Shortcode Provided
To display the product subtitle anywhere on the site then use our shortcode on WP pages and posts.