Woocommerce Rapid Stock Manager And Stock Audit Also For Multiple Warehouses Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Rapid Stock Manager – Manage Stock Effectively even for multiple Warehouses and Record Stock Audit
Rapid stock manager allows to update your stock inventory and variants sizes very quickly, displaying everything within one screen.
Automatically updating without reloading the page, so your stock inventory gets updated automatically.
Friendly interface to allow you to access and update your stock with ease. Adjust your stock for any of the products (including variants),
so your current stock is adjusted without effecting the inventory even if the users are purchasing the item and going through checkout already (Adjust function).
Set your stock for any of the products (including variants), so your stock will be the value you entered. (Set function)
Low stock indicator to allow you to know straight away what is in low stock to take immediate action.
Row/column highlighting on products have been modified and need to be saved. Stock report to export to excel with available list or grid view.
Every action on stock for any product, using Rapid Stock Manager, is recorded in stock audit, so you can display who and when last edited
stock amount for given product(s). (from version 1.5.0)
Now you can also manage stock across multiple warehouses (from version 2.0.0) and print transfer receipts and
see stock audit for werehouses as well.
Personalise your settings to give you more flexiblity of how you want to use your rapid stock manager and many more features!
Simple Products
- Set/adjust stock amounts for simple products
- Display all simple products
- Total stock amounts
- Link to the main product
- Instant update without loading page – quick and easy stock inventory update
- Search filter to help find what you product
- Tool tip information regarding about the product (image, price, last updates, etc)
- Notification if any of the items have been modified and not saved
- Change of display sort/order
- Pagination
Variant Products
- Set/ajust stock amounts for variants products
- Display all variable products for the main product within one row
- Clean and simple layout to see all your variants in one row
- Set/adjust stock for one variant only
- Set/adjust the entire row of the stock in one click for all the product variants
- Link to the main product
- Total items for that row (all variants)
- Instant update without loading page – quick and easy stock inventory update
- Display multiple tables for more than one attributes if stock is available
- Search filter to help find your product
- Tool tip information regarding about the product (image, price, last updates, etc)
- Low stock notification
- Notification if any of the items have been modified and not saved
- Change of display sort/order
- Pagination
Stock Report
- List report (product variant per row) of all products in the system
- Grid report (product variants in columnts) of all products in the system
- Easy copy/paste to Excel, Google Spreadsheets, OSX Numbers, to allow further filtering and calculations
- Quick overview at glance – total amount of products in stock, total amount of products with low stock
Stock Audit (from version 1.5.0)
- Every stock inventory amount change done through Rapid Stock Manager is recorder
- Quick overview of last modifications per product – included in product tooltip
- Stock Audit report – date range or multiple SKUs to display product stock modifications
- When, What product, What variation, Action (set/adjust), Original value, New value, Who modified
- This records only actions done through Rapid Stock Manager
Multiple Warehouses (from version 2.0.0)
- Add warehouses to manage stock and transfer to main stock inventory of woocommerce
- Audit functionality for warehouses – search by action, date range, warehouse, transfer receipt
- Warehouse stock transfer audit receipt – simple receipt for print with basic information about the stock transfer
Personalise you Rapid Stock Manager
- Customise view you would like to display when loading Rapid Stock Manager. Simple products or variable products
- Default action for all products you want to update. Adjust or Set
- Default ordering of the products when first time loading on the page
- How many products you want to display on the page
- Low stock color, Allows you to change the color when a product is low in stock
- Low stock amount threshold
- Customise the Row/Column highlighting color when changes are made by the user and have not been saved
Low stock email notification (from version 2.03)
- Get email notification when your products get low in stock.
- Change smtp settings to allow different send mail protocol
Third party links on each product such as ebay or amazon (from version 2.03)
- Allow to link your amazon/ebay products to each product to keep track and update inventory on other systems
Demo (server is now suspended, sorry)
login: demo
password: demo
The demo server is very slow. Using Amazon Nano instance, so when using the demo site, please be patient.
We don’t take any responsibility for other plugins you are running in your WP installation. There have been complains about our plugin not working with some another plugins we don’t even know.
Change log
version 2.0.3 - 20.1.2019
* Feature - Low stock email notification
- Set Threshold of low stock and get email notification
- Set email
- Set SMTP or default will use mail
- Allow to set ebay, amazon, other links to each product to reference to third party links from rsm.
- fix bugs
version 2.0.2 - 14.1.2017
* Fixed issue with warehouse table creation on some mysql servers
* Fixed issue with printing and fatal error on same servers
version 2.0.1 - 5.1.2017
- Fixed issues with php Notices
- Fixed issue with table creation for audit
- Fixed issues with sql for audit retrieval
- Fixed - removed hardcoded table names
version 2.0.0 - 28.11.2016
- Add warehouses to manage stock and transfer to main stock inventory of woocommerce
- Audit functionality for warehouses
- Transfer audit receipt
- Update Stock audit functionality including warehouse
- Add deduct for single and variants
- Add more personalisation settings
- Fix bugs with single pagination
- General bug fixing and performance improvements
- Added localisation vietnamese
Version 1.5.0 - 27.12.2015
- New feature: Stock Audit
Version 1.4.1 - 29.9.2015
- Bug fix: Performance fix for variations
Version 1.3 - 26.7.2015
- Bug fix: Variation view issue when multiple attributes used for variations
- New feature: Global search for variations
Version 1.2.1 - 3.6.2015
- Bug fix: Not working stock report in some installations of Wordpress
Version 1.2 - 15.4.2015
- Bug fix: Missing pagination
Version 1.1 - 11.4.2015
- Bug fix: Enable simple products with variations to display in simple products tab
- New feature: Add new adjusted quantity value display for variants
Version 1.0
- Initial Release