This WordPress/WooCommerce plugin is used to design or customize products online. It supports many types of products (T-shirts, phone cases, cups, hats, …)
Responsive – it can be used in any devices: mobile phones, tablets, laptops, PCs
Easily install & configure in Admin Dashboard
Support the checkout and payment process
Manage Prices and Orders for Admin
Support [shortcode]
Multi-types products: change type in Design Editor
Multi-colors products: some different colors for each type
Two sides: front and back
Design preview: preview your result during designing
Edit design: re-edit your design after adding to Cart
Item modifications: by mouse, touch, or toolbox
Bring to front/Send to back
Image: add images to the design
Album: select from the collection of images
Upload: upload your own image from your device
Scale warning: if the scaled image is larger than the original image, the quality may decrease
Text: add texts to the design
Edit text
Admin Dashboard
Enable/disable “Customize design” for each product
Enable “Back side” and select a back side image
Define the size of design area depending on Product size
Define Additional Cost for one side or two sides
Support “Variable” product of WooCommerce
Define available colors for each product
Manage Orders of WooCommerce
Download/Export designs for printing
Support [shortcode] to insert Design Editor to any page/post