WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest | Hide Until Login Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
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WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin is a powerful solution for e-commerce businesses which provides a simple way to hide the prices of products on your website for guests (non-registered users) and display them only to registered users. This helps to increase the number of sign-ups on your website, improve customer engagement, and reduce the risk of lost sales.
The WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin is easy to install and use, requiring no special technical skills or coding experience. Once installed, it integrates seamlessly with your WooCommerce website, allowing you to hide prices for guests with just a few clicks. Registered users can continue to view prices as normal, while guests are prompted to sign up or log in to view prices.
One of the key benefits of the WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin is its ability to increase sign-ups and improve customer engagement. By requiring guests to sign up or log in to view prices, you can capture valuable information about your audience and build a relationship with them. This helps to build trust and loyalty, and reduce the risk of lost sales.
The WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin also provides valuable insights into customer behavior and trends, allowing you to track the popularity of different products and make informed decisions about your marketing and sales strategies. This helps to optimize your website, increase conversions, and grow your business.
Another major advantage of the WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin is its affordability. Unlike other marketing and sales optimization solutions, the WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin is relatively cheap and easy to use, making it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses.
Overall, the WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest plugin is an excellent solution for e-commerce businesses looking to improve customer engagement, capture valuable information about their audience, and optimize their website. With its intuitive interface, valuable insights, and affordable pricing, this plugin is the ideal choice for anyone looking to take their WooCommerce website to the next level.
Why choose our plugin?
All our products are meeting the WordPress quality standards including security, quality, performance and modern coding standards. For this, We are also awarded with WP Requirements Compliant Badge by Envato for our CodeCanyon Profile.
Features of WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
- Admin can Enable/Disable the module status to hide/show the product price and add to cart button for guest users.
- Admin can enter the hide price text by his choice.
- Admin can enter the Add to Cart button title by his choice.
- Admin can configure various rules for the products in which he/she want to show price and add to cart button to guest users.
- Various rules can be configured i.e. products, category, product price, stock, reviews, created dates, product types, on-sale, virtual and downloadable.
- Admin can allow specific products for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can allow specific categories so that products under those categories price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can enter minimum product price for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can enter minimum product stock for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can enter minimum product reviews count for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can select product created from and created to dates for which price and add to cart button will be shown to guest users.
- Admin can select product type for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can select either on-sale or off-sale products for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can enable virtual products for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Admin can enable downloadable products for which price and add to cart button are going to shown to guest users.
- Guest Users are unable to purchase those products in which price are not displayed in the shop.
- Those products in which price is not displayed, there will be button for login in place of add to cart button.
- Hidden price and add to cart button will be on shop, category and single product page.
- Price and add to cart button are not going to display until the customer log in.
- There will be both client and server end validations.
- Multilingual is also supported with the given .pot file in the plugin.
Admin End – WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
Configuration – WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
Activate License
Here, You need to enter the purchase code to activate your license in order to use this plugin.
Admin can enable/disable the module status after he can show/hide the product price and add to cart button.
Hidden Price Title:
Here, Admin can set the text which are going to displayed in the place of price if it is hidden from guest users. Default value: Price is Hidden!
Add to Cart Button Title:
Here, Admin can set the text which are going to displayed in the place of add to cart if it is hidden from guest users. Default value: Login to Show Price.
Rules – WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
Admin can also configure rules by clicking on Rules Tab as shown in the below screenshot on the basis of which he/she can show some product’s price and add to cart button to guest/unregistered users in the shop.
Admin can show price and Add to Cart button for guest users for the products those are meeting any of the these configurations and empty fields will not get considered.
Allowed Products:
Price and Add to Cart button of the selected products will be visible to all guest users.
Allowed Categories:
Product’s Prices and Add to Cart button which comes under selected categories will be visible to all guest users.
Allowed Minimum Stock:
Product’s Prices and Add to Cart button which stock is greater than or equal to the entered stock will be visible to all guest users.
Allowed Minimum Price:
Product’s Prices and Add to Cart button which price is greater than or equal to the entered price will be visible to all guest users.
Product Created From:
Product’s Prices and Add to Cart button which are created after the entered date will be visible to all guest users.
Product Created To:
Product’s Prices and Add to Cart button which are created before the entered date will be visible to all guest users.
Allowed Product Types:
Product’s Prices and Add to Cart button which are of selected product types will be visible to all guest users.
Enable Virtual Products:
Admin can enable/disable this setting to show/hide Price and Add to Cart button of virtual products to guest or unregistered users.
Enable Downloadable Products:
Admin can enable/disable this setting to show/hide Price and Add to Cart button of downloadable products to guest or unregistered users.
Allowed Products by Sale:
Prices and Add to Cart button for the products which are on sale or off sale as selected option will be visible to all guest users.
Allowed Minimum Product Reviews Count:
Prices and Add to Cart button for the products in which reviews count is greater than or equal to the entered minimum review count will be visible to all guest users.
Guest or Unregistered Use’s End – WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
Guest or Unregistered users are not able to see the Product Price and Add to Cart button on shop, category, and single product page. They will see the custom text which is set by the Admin from the back-end configuration in place of them. Price and Add to cart button before the login will remain hidden.
Here, some products price and add to cart button are visible before login because admin has configured rules in the back-end to show price and add to cart button for the specific products before login or to guest/unregistered users. User needs to login in order to show price and add to cart button for all the products.
Multilingual – WooCommerce Hide Price For Guest
Admin can use .pot file which is provided within the plugin zip in the languages folder by which they can translate the plugin.
Dear Customers, if you have any questions or queries or need assistance with our WooCommerce extensions or development services, kindly connect with us from our contact page or mail us at support@devdiggers.com. We will do our best to answer as quickly as possible. If you have a moment, please rate our plugins, We’ll appreciate it very much!….Thank you.
Change Log
v 1.1.0 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions. Added WooCommerce HPOS (High-Performance order storage) compatibility. Added some new hooks in the core for customization. Resolved security issues.
v 1.0.4 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Resolved security issues.
v 1.0.3 Added compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Updated license API. Resolved security issues.
v 1.0.2 Added compatibility with WordPress 5.8.x Added compatibility with WooCommerce 5.7.x Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.1 Added compatibility with WordPress 5.6.x Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.x Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.0 Initial Release