WooCommerce Show Shipping Class In Product Page Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Simple and easy way to let your customers know about the Shipping Class of each product you have inside it’s single page an in shop page.
You want to let your clients know that your product will be shipped in 1 to 3 days or 4 to 10 days or that the product
is bulky?
Immediately after activation the plugin displays the shipping class selected in WooCommerce Shipping tab.
The Shipping Class will be displayed inside the product page just above the “Add to cart” button and in shop page bellow product description without the use of any coding.
No more short description field.
No weird panels.
No need of special permissions by admin.
Simply upload or download the plugin and hit “activate” and it will automaticaly show the selected shipping class
of a product.
If you need to customize you can insert some CSS in your custom CSS of your Theme.
Works with all themes and doesn’t create conflicts.
Please consider donating so we can continue to provide updates and stable versions! Just hit “Donate to this plugin”!