WooCommerce Software License Manager Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Seamless integration between WooCommerce and the Software License Manager Plugin. Originally adopted from EDD Software License Manager, thanks to flowdee (coder@flowdee.de).
Github repository
- Automatically creates license keys for each sale with WC
- Licensing is optional and can be activated/deactivated individually
- Send generated license keys to your customers within your existing email notifications
Sample code
Plugin Name: License Checker
Version: v1.0
Plugin URI: http://wp-master.ir
Author: Omid Shamloo
Author URI: http://wp-master.ir
Description: Sample plugin to show you how you can interact with the software license manager API from your WordPress plugin or theme
// This is the secret key for API authentication. You configured it in the settings menu of the license manager plugin.
define('YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY', 'YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme.
// This is the URL where API query request will be sent to. This should be the URL of the site where you have installed the main license manager plugin. Get this value from the integration help page.
define('YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL', 'http://wp-master.ir'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme.
// This is a value that will be recorded in the license manager data so you can identify licenses for this item/product.
define('YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE', 'YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme.
add_action('admin_menu', 'slm_sample_license_menu');
function slm_sample_license_menu() {
add_options_page('Sample License Activation Menu', 'Sample License', 'manage_options', 'youlice_classesence', 'sample_license_management_page');
function sample_license_management_page() {
echo '<div class="wrap">';
echo '<h2>Sample License Management</h2>';
/*** License activate button was clicked ***/
if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_license'])) {
$license_key = $_REQUEST['sample_license_key'];
// Send query to the license manager server
$lic = new youlice_class($license_key , YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL , YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY );
echo 'You license Activated successfuly';
echo $lic->err;
$lic = new youlice_class($license_key , YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL , YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY );
echo 'Thank You Phurchasing!';
<form action="" method="post">
<table class="form-table">
<th style="width:100px;"><label for="sample_license_key">License Key</label></th>
<td ><input class="regular-text" type="text" id="sample_license_key" name="sample_license_key" value="<?php echo get_option('sample_license_key'); ?>" ></td>
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="activate_license" value="Activate" class="button-primary" />
echo '</div>';
class youlice_class{
public $lic;
public $server;
public $api_key;
private $wp_option = 'product_1450';
private $product_id = 'My_product_name_OR_ID';
public $err;
public function __construct($lic=false , $server , $api_key){
$this->lic = get_option($this->wp_option);
$this->lic = $lic;
$this->server = $server;
$this->api_key = $api_key;
* check for current product if licensed
* @return boolean
public function is_licensed(){
$lic = get_option($this->wp_option);
if(!empty( $lic ))
return true;
return false;
* send query to server and try to active lisence
* @return boolean
public function active(){
$url = YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL . '/?secret_key=' . YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY . '&slm_action=slm_activate&license_key=' . $this->lic . '®istered_domain=' . get_bloginfo('siteurl').'&item_reference='.$this->product_id;
$response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false));
$json = $response['body']; // use the content
$json = preg_replace('/[x00-x1Fx80-xFF]/', '', utf8_encode($json));
$license_data = json_decode($json);
if($license_data->result == 'success'){
update_option( $this->wp_option, $this->lic );
return true;
$this->err = $license_data->message;
return false;
* send query to server and try to deactive lisence
* @return boolean
public function deactive(){
Theme & Plugin Integration
Please Note: The license validation part for your distributed plugins and themes is not part of this plugin. More on this can be found in the Software License Manager documentation.
To implement License Key validation in your plugin or theme, please check out the sample code in Maddison Designs’ Github repo.
Known incompatibility issue with iThemes Security
If you have installed “iThemes Security”, uncheck Long URL Strings where the Software License Manager plugin is installed
- Woocommerce
- Software License Manager
- EDD Software License Manager
- WP 4.8.2 and WC 3.2.0 Compatibility
- Persian
- Spanish (Spain) Art Project Group
The plugin is really simple and well structured so you don’t have to prepare a lot in order to get it working.
- After the successful installation you will find a prepared options page here: “WooCommerce” > “Settings” > “Products” > “License Manager”
- Enter your Software License Manager API credentials
- Go to your Products and activate licensing where it’s required
Configuration screen
Activating licensing for a download
Output the generated license keys within your emails