WooPanel – FrontEnd Manager For Store Manager And Vendor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
You are the store/ vendor manager and you want to get everything in the easiest way to know how your business works well or not. WooPanel is the right plugin that you must to integrate in your site. Your articles, products, orders, coupons, customers will be arraigned clean and neat to bring you a general look with optimized UX/UI compare to our other competitors.
We will release a coming soon version which compatible with WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Appointments, WooCommerce Rental & Bookings System, WooCommerce Subscriptions, Advanced Custom Fields(ACF), WP Job Manager, BuddyPress and many more plugins in the soonest time.
Now you just click to DOWNLOAD button and try our FREE version, you will be surprised with our WooPanel plugin – The easiest WooCommerce Frontend Manager
How it works
Introduction for WooPanel – FrontEnd Manager for Store Manager and Vendor from Cmsmart Netbase on Vimeo.
📌 Main Features
1. Dashboard
– An intuitive dashboard quickly shows shop information such as order, products, customers list, and so on that a vendor/store manager have a general look in a few seconds
– Easy to manage and manipulate the separate interface
– Get a quick statistic of figures on total income, orders, products, users and so on
– Detailed report on revenue, order by day, month, year …
– Display customer list, product, order according to criteria: newest, most bought, best selling and more
2. Articles
– Intuitive display and easy use with the new interface
– Instead of displaying all articles of other sellers, WooPanel only shows your created articles.
– Easily view articles with available status
– Full essential features of articles like edit, delete, add new
3. Product
– Display products of seller/vendor, remove unnecessary information and add quick actions
4. Order
– Easy to manage seller/vendor orders with quick actions. Simple filtering with date and status fields
5. Coupon
– Create and manage coupon easily and quickly. You can see all coupons are arranged in the smartest way
6. Customer
– For each registered customer, the admin seller will save it as an account to manage
7. Setting
– Easy to set information of store such as name, logo, footer, and so on