Wordpress Daily Horoscope - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
- Automatic daily horoscope inserting script from our api, so does not need to add horoscopes by yourself.
- 4 basic languages supported : English, French, Spanish and Arabic
- 16 premium languages supported : German, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Greek, Polish, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Chinese
- 5 themes included : red, blue, purple, black and white
- Fully customizable via wordpress widget options
- horoscope cache included : cache horoscope depending on date and language for better performance
Have something to say?
Do you have something to say about this item? Do you have an opinion? Or even just want to say good job? If so, you can do this by both leaving a review on the item and rating it (5 Stars) or contact us by using the contact box on our profile.
It should take much more than minutes of your time, and with your help we can continue to create amazing designs and improve on the already existing treats.
Please download, send me your feedback and if you have any problems I will be more than happy to help you out with your purchase.
Many Thanks!
V 1.1.1 Better language update managment Better cache managment Premium languages activated (you can suggest any language you want) V 1.1.0 Better language update managment Better cache managment Change json to xml Premium languages will be added automatically (you can suggest any language you want) V 1.0.3 English daily horoscope correction V 1.0.2 English daily horoscope correction + json string encode correction V 1.0.1 Image icon conflict correction for language other than English V 1.0.0 Initial release version