WordPress Expire Passwords - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Require selected user roles to change their passwords after a selected time. It’s possible to set the maximum number of days users (and / or user roles) are allowed to use the same password (100 days by default). There is also on option to allow / disallow users to use the same password again (by default disallow). And an option that requires users to change there password on first time login.
- Change days for password expiration
- Select user roles for password expiration
- Option to allow / disallow users to use the same password again
- Option that requires users to change their password on first login
- View last password reset on users overview page
- Compatible with WooCommerce and default WordPress login and users
Settings page
Change days for password expiration / Select user roles for password expiration / Option to allow or disallow users to use the same password again
Expiration message @ login screen
View last password reset on users overview page
Automatic Updates
Use Envato Market WordPress plugin to get automatic updates, with a single click, directly from WordPress. Upon a new release, get notified directly from your Wordpress Dashboard. Update the plugin from the Dashboard Plugins with the automated Wordpress functions. Always use the latest version for the best compatibility!
- Implement safe redirect support
- Add filter pw_expire_redirect_after_first_login for developer (to set a custom URL after the first login)
- Improve the same password check for WooCommerce
- Send WooCommerce customers to WooCommerce password reset page
- Add WooCommerce compatibility
- Improve expired password reset message
- Add settings link on plugin overview page
- Improve language loading
- Prevent conflicts with other plugins
- Fix for when options don’t exist in database
- Move CSS to separate file
- Add support for SCRIPT_DEBUG
- Fix for multisite installations
- Improved documentation
- Option that requires users to change their password on first login
- Internationalisation: added more languages (English, German, French, Dutch)
- First release
- Change days for password expiration
- Select user roles for password expiration
- Option to allow / disallow users to use the same password again
- View last password reset on users overview page
- Internationalisation
- Documentation