WordPress Popup Scheduler - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
If used correctly, a popup is always the best way to achieve great results (be it in sales or subscription rate). It is also the best tool to grab your readers attention. This plugin allow you to customize and schedule a popup to show according to various situation.
1) You can schedule a popup to show a welcome message whenever a new visitor arrives at your site
2) You can schedule a popup to show on the readers returned visit to thank them for reading your blog and invite them to subscribe to your feed/email update.
3) If there is any major changes to your website, you can show a popup to inform your readers of the changes
4) If you are selling products on your blog, you can schedule a popup whenever you have a new product launch
5) During a campaign (such as charity donation drive, blogathon etc), you can schedule a popup to show for a number of days to increase the awareness of the campaign.
and many more…
The WordPress Popup Scheduler plugin allow you to fully customize the way popup is shown on your blog. You can either place your message before the first post, or as a popup right in the middle of the screen. In addition, there is also the option to either show the popup in home page only or in every single page.
All in all, this is a fully customizable plugin that can serves a lot of purposes.
Note: This plugin requires cookie and javascript to work.
(Please use this plugin with care and concern for your readers. Overuse of the popup can annoy your readers and could result in detrimental effects)
1.3.1 – Update the year to show from 2011 to 2017
1.3.0 – Added new feature: show popup automatically when the popup content changes – Fixed PHP/javascript variable incompatibility. Minify javascript – Fixed a forward slashes bug in the content area – Fixed a bug where users cannot use apostrophe in the content.
1.2.8 – Added autoscroll feature. WP2.8.4 compatible
1.2.7 – New feature. Able to define the location of the popup, centralize from left or top.
– WP 2.8.1 compatible
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