WordPress Responsive Countdown - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is a WordPress plugin created to allow the usage of jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder tool in your powered by WordPress sites. The WordPress Responsive Countdown plugin uses the canvas object to animate SVG defined drawings. It displays a flip animation to show the remaining time to or the elapsed time from a target date. It detects change of width and height of its container object and responds accordingly. Since it uses vector data to draw the digits and the panels of the countdown, there is no change in the quality of the displayed drawings when it gets resized.
The WordPress Responsive Countdown plugin is based on a custom post type template. The administrator has access to interface that allows an interactive process of developing the look and feel of the tool. Here is a screenshot of the options panel available:Every option from the UI has a help button, that explains more about the usage and shows shortcode examples.
When you purchase the plugin you will be able to download a zip file. This file is used as is in the WordPress Control Panel. You need to upload it in the “Add New” plugin section and the “Dotstudio Responsive Countdown” plugin will be installed. After you activate the plugin a new navigation item will show below Posts, Media, Pages, etc., called Countdowns. From there you will be able to create multiple countdowns, each having unique options. The WordPress Responsive Countdown plugin will create a shortcode, which can be used in your content. To insert a shortcode, simply paste the shortcode in the post or page content editor. If you want to run the shortcodes in sidebar widget, drop in a Text widget and insert the shortcode in the Text box.
[dsrc id='21' /]
The shortcode will be replaced with HTML and Javascript code that will add a jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder to your site.
The WordPress Responsive Countdown plugin extends the features of the jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder with the ability to create countdowns with fixed target dates like one that expires 30 minutes (or 10 seconds, etc.) after the page loads. The needed javascript code will be generated automatically and the interface allows easy customization. Other features:
- Count down / Count up.
- Responsive behavior. The tool scales according to available width.
- Visual tool that assist you to create your unique countdown.
- Infinite color combinations. Solid color for the digits. Gradient color for the panels.
- Show hide groups.
- Two perspective modes.
- Two sets of digits. Three sets of panels.
- Setting of time zone.
- Setting of label captions.
- Setting of labels font and size.
- Groups spacing. Groups divider – circles or squares.
- Usage of time settings coming from a server. Synchronization takes place only during the initialization of the tool.
- Custom mode, that allows setting of the digits by the usage of a public method.
UPDATE [22 OCT 2014]
– warnings showing in debug mode removed.
– ui_target_date is not longer used as shortcode parameter. target date can be overridden in shortcode content.
– my_enqueue function name is unique now..
UPDATE [12 SEP 2014]
– unexpected T_FUNCTION error fixed for older PHP versions.
– no empty lines in JS code, which were getting replaced with paragraph tags in some WP sites.
Item added to marketplace.