Wordpress Single File PHP Gallery - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Wordpress Single File PHP Gallery is a gallery in one single PHP file. All you have to do is copy the file to any directory containing JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF images to make a gallery. You can then use your favorite FTP client to upload images to the gallery. Sub directories will be sub galleries. Thumbnails for images and directories are generated automatically. Description of galleries and images can be added by creating a simple .txt file with the description. It does not use a DataBase, nore does it require any programming skills to use.
Wordpress Single File PHP Gallery is Freeware
Very simple and easy to use
Uses no DataBase
Automatically creates thumbnails on-the-fly
No configuration is required
Many configuration options
Easy to customize / personalize
Option to save thumbnails on server, to speed up when
gallery is shown again -
Unlimited numbers of sub galleries
Generates valid HTML 4.0 Transitional
Contains valid CSS
See configuration information below for all features
This script requires a working installation of Wordpress.
For this script to function as designed you will need a web
server with PHP 4 or PHP 5 and the GD library installed.
See here for information: http://www.php.net/
For the script to create thumbnails, the PHP memory_limit
must be large enough to contain:
script + fullimage (converted to BMP) + thumbnail (converted
to BMP) at one time.
In order to save thumbnails on server and show the data
SHOW_FILE_INFO, PHP must have write access to the set
THUMB_ROOT folder.
No screenshots provided