Wordpress Trending Hashtags Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Wordpress Trending Tags – Wordpress Taglines Exclusive Plugin
Trend Your WordPress Tags with Trending Tags . Make your tags shine with only one short-code, add as much you’d like to. Simply just place that short code and let Trending Tags do the magic for you This plugin is specially designed for those wordpress themes which doesn’t support tags or somehow doesn’t allow any tags support.. Trending Tags provide widget to show your tags on your WordPress blog or website easily and not just that you can enhance these tags accordingly via admin panel.
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It is as easy to use as you post your update on WordPress add shortcode and add tags. if you haven’t add any tag and used shortcode it will display random 10 tags. you can also use widget to show tags in your desired position
Widget Support
Wordpress Trending Tags
is very easy to install and very easy to navigate plugin. It is as easy to use as you post your update on Wordpress. Simply just install, add short-code and add tags. If you haven’t added any tag and used shortcode it will display 10 random tags, you may also use widget to show tags in your desired position
Developers Friendly
Wordpress Trending Tags
is focused on ease of access, integration and customization. Developers have complete access to it’s extended version and they can easily customize this outstanding plugin. The plugin is extremely flexible and includes a lot of filters and actions. A developers documentation file is also included along with main files for how to get that plugin functional
No Configuration Needed
Wordpress Trending Tags
is one of the most simplest plugins ever, designed for your feasibility that even a lay man can easily install that plugin. Trending Tags
doesn’t need any sort of uploading or unzipping files at server. It’s installation is very easy. We have designed that plugin specifically by keeping in view the core functions and requirements of users. We have created this plugin to solve tags situation easily and this is the best in WordPress ecosystem
One Shortcode for all
With this most sleek and easy to install plugin you just select a column shortcode and it will add the column to it’s full auto height and width and you will see Trending Tags
main sphere where you have placed that short code [TrendTheTag]
ShortCode Based
Like any other wordpress plugin Trending Tags
plugin is also feasible and can start working in just a matter of time as soon as you have placed the short code at website. You can use [TrendTheTag] short code as the base to start showing your tags to the world in your website or blog
Pure CSS3
This outstanding plugin posses amazing hover effects which are irresistible and not just hovering effect this plugins shows a cloud shaped sphere any where placed on your website or blog and enhance your website & blog’s view for new and returning visitors
No images used
Complete plugin is php and js based so there’s no chance of any images used in it’s making. This plugin doesn’t generate, import & export any image. It’s totally css3 based. With it’s cool color shades and vibrant effects, audience is definitely going to love your website appearance with Trending Tags
Cross browser supported
Trending Tags
plugin is a custom plugin and works absolutely amazing on all leading browsers; Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer & Opera. So you don’t have to worry at all relating it’s functionality or cross browsers functionality.
Pure JS Sphere
Basically this feature allows very smooth functionality and allows to create a beautiful 3d spinning earth on canvas like outcome of all of your tags, .js library makes it view smooth and to user it shows a small spinning 3d globe to beautify your tags in better and proper way
Stand-Alone minimal And Rich Features
Trenting Tags plugins version posses all the stand-alone features and not even a single plugin posses any of these. Everyone wants to add tags and categories to WordPress pages, or improve the functionality of the core page manager screen; Trending Tags have made that easy for everyone.
Three Random Tag Colors for post
Trending Tags
plugin aims to modify the tags with colors, prefixes and suffixes. …Mix colors; Rainbow and random color support. All you have to do is place a short code at your website or blog for generating attractive random colors spinning globe to show multi colors in tags
Customers Support
Our Customer Support Team Is Stand By To Respond All Of Your Queries Relating Plugins And Custom Development In Case You Need Any Help.
Please Feel Free To Contact Us Any Time at: http://www.ranksol.com/help
Customers Support And Refund Policy
Change Log
Version 1.0 - Stable version with all features mentioned (100% bugs free)
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All existing users are requested to upload the plugin files of each version manually using FTP and then Deactivate and Re-Activate the plugin to get the latest changes.
- Wordpress platforms with woocommerce is a complicated system, and every set up is unique so there are possibilities that errors or conflicts with other modules may appear. One of the most common conflicts / errors are of Javascript.
To examine issues you must start the browsers console and properly test / look up for errors. If you found any error or issue and you don’t know how to fix it then without wasting any time please contact our engineers who are standby at our customers support and help portal.
Email at Azhar Iqbal
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