WordPress Ultimate Redirect Plugin – (with Auto-Redirect 404’s) - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WordPress Ultimate Redirect Plugin – (with Auto-Redirect 404’s) Preview - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
4.4 Average out of 14 ratings
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Plugin Description

WordPress Ultimate Redirect Plugin - (with Auto-Redirect 404's) - 1

Plugin Demo:http://wur.wpengine.com

Change logs:

version 1.7.1:

1. Fixed a bug where admin would get an undefined error for saving a new rule

version 1.7.0:

1. Added User Role control for rules
2. Added User control for rules

version 1.6.0:

1. Fixed a bug where other redirect plugins would have interfered with the plugin.
2. Added Phone / Tablet instead of "Mobile" device option
3. Added Desktop as a redirect device option

version 1.4.2:

1. Fixed a bug with "/" in the end and beginning or url's
2. Fixed a conflict with other plugins loading the "Mobile Detect" library
3. Fixed Opera and IE detection bugs - where Opera was mixed with Chrome and IE was mixed with Edge.

version 1.4.1:

1. Changed plugin specific user permission to use "manage_options" 

version 1.4:

1. Added plugin specific user permission: "weptile_redirect".
2. Fixed multisite redirect.
3. Fixed subpage redirects.
4. Fixed homepage redirect.
5. Fixed URL string redirect.
6. Fixed bugs on XML import.

version 1.3:

1. Updated error logs display using datatables.js.
2. Updated edit rule function to run via ajax for better user experience.
3. Fixed bugs when saving regex rules.

version 1.2:

1. Cleaned up the code, reduced server load, increased performance. Updated device redirect library. Used a new table script for easier/better listing logs. Added auto-search / auto-complete to search dropdowns. Fixed various minor and visual bugs here and there. Tested and improved functionality and performance on multisite redirects.
2. Updated auto-matching algorithm to match url instead of page titles.
3. Fixed redirect functionality for different permalink settings.
4. Fixed a bug where redirecting private pages would loop forever.

version 1.1.5:

1. Fixed subpage redirect issue and a bug with admin panel log table links.
2. Added homepage redirect option to source and target dropdowns.

version 1.1.4:

1. Fixed a bug where log in control text was printed to screen.

version 1.1.3:

1. Added a check for user logged in state option for redirect rules.

version 1.1.2:

1. Updated the matching algorithm to work better for VERY long URL's. (up to 255 character AFTER site url)

version 1.1.0:

1. Added redirect logging as an option

version 1:

1. Initial release

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