WordPress WooCommerce EBay Connector Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WordPress WooCommerce eBay Connector Plugin
The WooCommerce eBay connector plugin helps connect your WooCommerce-based store with the eBay marketplace. Now admins can import products, categories, and orders from eBay to the WooCommerce store.
This plugin can list all the items from your WooCommerce site to your eBay account. The admin can import information related to products, categories, and orders from eBay to the WooCommerce store.
Also, this allows the admin to import custom-created shop categories from the eBay store to the WooCommerce site to keep both stores more uniform.
This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s latest features Cart and Checkout blocks and High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code. and How do you get updates on Webkul Modules directly on the Plugins page.
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Why WordPress WooCommerce eBay Connector Plugin
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Features of WordPress WooCommerce eBay Connector Plugin
- Import simple and variable eBay products into the WooCommerce store.
- Import custom-created shop categories from eBay to WooCommerce store.
- Import eBay orders into the WooCommerce store.
- The store owners can add price rules for the products.
- Export simple and variable products from the WooCommerce store to eBay.
- Can map custom-created shop categories in eBay with WooCommerce store categories.
- Admin can update imported product details.
- Admin can configure the return policy details for exported products.
- The product information like SKU, name, description, stock, images, and categories will get exported and imported along with the product.
- Products synchronization with eBay conditions and specifications.
- The admin can configure multiple eBay accounts.
- Sandbox mode is available for testing and development.
- Configure default product payment and shipping details.
- The admin will set the events in the Realtime setting for the auto-update of the product.
- The admin can select the process for the auto-update.
- The admin can also configure the international shipping service.
- The admin can manage the Real-time sync and update the information of the product based on the selected event.
- Separate logs for real-time sync events.
Highlighted Features
1- Return Policy Option
The store owners can configure the return policy details for exported products.
2- Product Info Export & Import
Product information such as SKU, name, description, stock, images, and categories will be exported and imported with the product.
3- Connect Multiple eBay Accounts
The admin can connect various eBay accounts at the same time for product import or export.
4-Price Rule Addition
Price rules can be created for the product import or export by the store admin.
Business Use
Now all the vendors can sell their products on the eBay marketplace apart from their stores. With the help of this connector, vendors can increase their customer base.
Vendors can merge all their products with the marketplace. They also upload their products, categories, and orders in bulk and can save their time and money.
No matter how big or small the business is or what type of sector your business belongs to, this eBay connector is sufficient for all. This connector makes your multi-selling process easy.
Change Log
"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 3.1.2"
3.1.2 (2025-01-20) Added: Multiple custom Condition ID list. Added: Real-time product counting after clicking on the Refresh Products button. Fixed: Image Issues when exporting a product. Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 9.5 version. Update: Compatible with WordPress 6.7 version. Optimized: Scripts and styles for faster loading. Added: Licensing in this module. Update: Compatible with WC cart and checkout blocks.
v 3.1.1 (2024-12-27) Added: Refresh Product Button to refresh product in background from eBay. Added: Setting to control WooCommerce to Ebay Sync. Added: Info that this will only work for WooCommerce TO Ebay. Update: Real-Time sync settings.
v3.1.0 Added: Separate Logs for Real-Time sync events. Added: Display count for pending real-time sync actions in the background. Added: Forcefully stop and resume background process with button. Fixed: Changes for stuck background process. Fixed: Attach Variation Product Images to corresponding variations. Fixed: Search manage categories showing the incorrect count and wrong result. Fixed: Search manage products showing the incorrect count and wrong result. Fixed: Setting price rule sub-tab (adding price rule) at wrong side of the page. Fixed: Shipping Time Min/Max time should be the integer count. Update: Individual Delete option for imported eBay categories. Update: Individual Delete option for imported eBay products. Update: Individual Delete option for eBay mapped categories. Update: Individual Delete option for eBay export orders. Update: All Default categories will be listed in general settings.
v3.0.1 Fixed: Schema update problem due to old database version.
v3.0.0 Added: Export product sale price. Added: Display response messages on product updates (Realtime sync). Added: Map single WooCommerce category with eBay store and primary category. Added: Price rule bulk enable and disable functionality. Added: Compatibility with WC HPOS feature. Added: Sort filter on price rules Added: New category column in export product list. Added: Item Woo and eBay URL in manage product tab list. Added: Product update fields setting feature. Added: Product Import From Global Site setting. Added: Product Image Import selection setting "During Product Import" | "In The Background". Added: Many WooCommerce categories to one eBay category mapping functionality. Added: Function lock system for resolve duplicate product issue. Added: Added 'Back' button on add account page. Added: Map category details on product edit page. Added: Store category in action list on category map tab. Added: Added Loader on any process starts. Added: Add source column in manage product tab. Added: Background process for auto-sync. Fixed: Export product EAN issue. Fixed: Account delete 404 error issue. Fixed: Price rule edit issue. Fixed: Import duplicate product issue. Fixed: Image import issues. Fixed: Duplicate category mapping issue. Fixed: Product export category selection issue. Fixed: Import category special character issue. Fixed: Soap client issue with php 8.2 Fixed: On export product code added secondary category in primary category field. Fixed: Primary category map with multiple Woo categories. Fixed: (Import categories) Child category show when change the parent category. Fixed: Show error on update product, when product mapped account delete. Fixed: category specification not added when mapped again with another eBay category id. Fixed: Background process stop issue. Fixed: Duplicate specification creation. Fixed: eBay attributes not show in good manner on product detail page. Fixed: wp error save in product attachment meta. Fixed: Console issue on order import page. Fixed: store category map UI/UX issue. Updated: Update all tabs response UI. Updated: Update eBay account list UI for fast load. Updated: Image import process. Updated: Coding structure according to WordPress coding standards. Updated: Setting fields according to processes. Updated: Background process for import images. Updated: Export product flow, Process will not start if not updated general settings. Updated: Update images on eBay when performing update to eBay action. Updated: Update able category specification on 'Update to eBay' action. Updated: specification view on category map tab. Updated: Create specifications according to eBay category in WooCommerce. duplicate attribute will not show. Updated: Import product process response text. Updated: Set default values in of the general settings. Updated: Auto-sync functionality.
2.5.3 (2024-05-13) == * Fixed: Issue with Background Process. * Added: Function Locks for create Product.
v 2.5.2 (2023-10-05) == * Fixed: Import product Api issue. * Fixed: Order Listed Bug. * Fixed: minor issues * Fixed: Fixed security issues. * Added: Import Products counting. * Added: Import product images through the background process. * Update: Update coding structure according to WordPress coding standards.
v2.5.1 1. Added Variable Export. 2. Fixed Item Listed Bug.
v 2.5.0 Updated coding standards. Fixed coding issues. Fix PHPCS Issues. Added Product Import features: When the product import is stopped then next time it will be starting from the last product imported batch. Added Order view links on eBay order page. Added price rule for the imported/exported products. Added and display message if an account is connected or not connected. Added Display Account Not Connected in Settings section if settings are not retrieved. Added pre-selected values in settings. Added reverse order for Import product process. Added Enable Disable dropdowns in Realtime Sync Settings instead of checkbox.
v 2.4.1 Added Import by date selection feature. Made changes in the pagination and sorting. Added Screen Options Feature. Added Variations Import and Update feature. Made changes in sandbox part. Added variations sync support.
v 2.4.0 Changed the code structure to comply with Envato coding standards with proper hooks and functions. Made the code object oriented. Changes to make eBay options dynamic instead of static. Changed the Database structure,removed the raw tables. Removed product map tables,nw saving eBay id and account id in mea data. Added feature to narrow down category import in the import category section. Added feature to narrow down category mapping. Added support for multi categories i.e Primary, Secondary, Storefront1 and StoreFront2 for one product. Added multi account. Added multi account sync support,import,export. Added variable product export. Changed the view. Changed the products fetch API.
v 2.3.0 Enhancement - Added eBay Listener to update WooCommerce store automatically. Enhancement - Added events Item Received, Item Sold, Item End, Item Listed. Enhancement - Added events control settings. Fix - Fixed security issues.
v 2.2.0 New feature to update product from eBay to WooCommerce and WooCommerce to eBay. Provide complete list of shipping service that eBay provide. Now International shipping service can configure. You can select shipping location place as per eBay list. Fixed error on creating order related to country ID. Update regarding eBay api version update.
v 2.1.1 Introduce Auto export product and get mail of report of export. While import order now you can select date.
v 2.1.0 Update date format selection style(Now can select on calender). Fixed import order related issue.
v 2.0.0 db prepare removed used for unwanted purpose. product, order, categories APIs updated for better performance categories creation process raw data for categories deletion is introduced. product description from eBay is filtered for some unwanted scripts and styles form eBay
v 1.0.0 Initial release