WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin
This Item only works with Webkul’s WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace. Hence the Marketplace Plugin is Required, to make use of this Plugin.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin is a chat system which helps Marketplace Seller and the Marketplace Buyer to start the conversation. In this plugin, any buyer can start to chat with any seller.
Buyer can ask queries related to the product that seller is selling or any upcoming products information and seller can also reply to any buyer about their queries. A healthy conversation between a buyer and a seller leads to more sales conversions.
It is user-friendly and customizable, where the administrator can customize the theme of the chat window and user list.
Note –
Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code.
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Why WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin?
Features of WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin
- Buyers can communicate with any seller and admin within the marketplace..
- The Vendor and admin have option of changing the status to online, busy, or away.
- Smiley/Emoticon and attachment support for a user-interactive chat.
- Admin and sellers can filter chat history by the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, or forever.
- The Admin can view the chat history between any seller and the buyer.
- The Admin has the ability to view the chat history between sellers and buyers.
Highlighted Features
1- Real-time conversation management solution based on Socket.IO
The system is built on Socket.IO and uses an effective chat management system.
2- Buyers can communicate with any seller and the admin.
Buyers can now communicate with any seller or the admin within the marketplace to ask queries..
3- Smiley/Emoticon and Attachment Support
The Buyers and Sellers use smileys/emoticons for interactive communication and adding attachments to messages.
4- Status Change by admin and the seller.
The Admin and Seller can change their status to online, busy, and away and can edit their profile.
Business Use
The Woocommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin is a great way for sellers and buyers to communicate with each other in real-time.
With this chat plugin, sellers and buyers can establish direct communication with each other.
It can help to answer any questions that buyers may have about products, or provide more information about upcoming products.
Additionally, sellers can chat with multiple buyers at the same time, which can lead to more sales conversions.
Change Log
"Initial release v 1.0.0", "Current release v 3.1.0"
= 3.1.0 (2025-01-23) = Improved: improve code and updated few phpcs issue. Improved: Removed bundle certificate code for node in HTTPS. Fixed: Socket transport issue. Fixed: Fixed the file load if directly accessed.
v3.0.0 = Added: Message Notification will appear. Added: Seller and admin can Block any customer. Added: Seller can Add Chat UI on Specific Page by just adding [wkmp_bsc] shortcode. Improved: New Admin/ Seller/ Customer Chatting Interface. Improved: New Seller Profile Edit Section. Improved: Compatible with PDF and CSV file Uploading. Improved: Server Start/Stop is now handled with Ajax. Improved: Server Status is now handled with Ajax by which Page Loading speed is Improved. Improved: Image uploading now supports (jpeg, jpg, png, web) format. Fixed: Server Loading Issue. Fixed: Read/Unread message issue on chat access.
v.2.4.3 (2024-01-19) = Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage - HPOS Compatibility. Added: Compatibility with PHP-8 versions showing notices and warning. Updated: Coding standard according to phpcs-3.8.0
v2.4.2 Moved: the settings menu under the Marketplace main menu for easily accessible all marketplace addons from one centralized place. Fixed: Notice on the chat history page for deleted users. Fixed: Security issues for saving chat data for unintended users. Bumped: WordPress and WooCommerce tested up to values of 6.3 and 8.0 respectively.
v 2.4.1 Added: Unread message count on seller and admin dashboard. Added: Links for settings and docs on plugin listing page. Added: Chat to selller option on View Collection page. Added: Setting to allow chat with seller even seller is offline. Fixed: Issue with starting chat server due to CORS policy. Fixed: Issue in creating database tables on activation.
v 2.4.0 Added: Compatibility with the latest marketplace version greater than 5.2 Added: Chat to seller option on 'Add Review' page for customer. Added: Links in send received and chat history if the message contains a valid URL. Updated: Socket.io package to latest version 4.5.1 Updated: Required at least and tested up to values for WP and WC and Marketplace. Fixed: Real-time seller chat is not syncing on the customer end. Fixed: Chat is not appearing synchronously on the customer end. Fixed: Chat history is not visible to other admins in case of multiple admins.
v 2.3.2 Enhancement: create compatibility according to marketplace version-5.0.1. Enhancement: improve code according to WPCs Fixed: Resolved bugs
v 2.3.0 Added: Added feature to admin see chat history between seller and buyer. Added: Added support for notification sound when messages receive for seller and buyer.
v 2.2.0 Added: Added support for customers to chat with the admin. Added: Added feature to customize the chatbox with different styles. Added: Added translations for static strings.
v 2.1.0 New: Integrated SSL configuration in Chat. Fixed: Fixed gravatar mixed content warning.
v 2.0.0 New: Updated using Socket.io for real-time chat. New: Compatible with the latest version of Marketplace.
v 1.1.0 Fixed: Fixed compatibility issues with the new version of the marketplace.
v 1.0.0 Initial release