WordTube FlowPlayer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
You don’t like the JW FLV Media Player or want to play MP4 movies? Okay, here is an alternate player: the FlowPlayer. And the very best: This Plugin integrates with the popular wordTube plugin. You can still manage your videos using wordTube and then use the FlowPlayer with an alternate shortcode to play a video (playlists coming soon).
There is an administration page to style the FlowPlayer to your needs (free version and commercial version supported!).
Example shortcode: [flowplayer id=1 width=480 height=320] or simply [flowplayer id=1]
You can also use the flowplayer in your theme, a post or your sidebar with a PHP tag (install plugin exec-php!):
* Usage: flowplayer( $id, $width = 0, $height = 0, $return = false )
* Params:
* id = wordTube video id (required)
* width = width of video (0 = use defaults, integer = use own width)
* height = height of video (0 = use defaults, integer = use own height)
* return = output html code or return it (true = return html, false = echo html)
// Example 1: Use default with and height setting, just display a video
flowplayer( 43 );
// Example 2: Use own width and height
flowplayer( 43, 320, 200 );
// Example 3: Get html code into variable to do something with the code...
$playerhtml = flowplayer( 43, 0, 0, true );
Important: wordTube is required to use this plugin. Get it here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordtube/
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