WP-Activity Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin logs registered users activity in your blog and displays it in frontend and backend.
It can also track and deny access by blacklisting to unwanted login attempts.
Activity logged :
- logon
- new user
- new comment
- comment edition
- comment deletion
- profile update
- new published post
- published post edition
- post deleted (really deleted, not trashed)
- new link
- login failure (displayed only in admin panel)
- access denied by IP blacklisting (displayed only in admin panel)
Possible usages :
- Monitor unwanted connexions attempts on your blog and block hackers IP.
- Monitor the registered users activity on a multi-users blog.
- Enhance your community blog by displaying to all users what other members have done.
If enabled, user who don’t want to be listed in blog activity can hide its own activity by checking a privacy option in the profile page. In that case, this user activity is not stored in database.
When a login failure occurs, the IP address is also logged.
Users activity can be followed by RSS feed and can be exported in csv file (semicolon separation).
Admin can follow the blog users activity within dates range with the stats module.
To avoid spammers or hackers trying to steal accounts, you can blacklist their IP addresses. Be careful, I you blacklist your own IP you won’t be able to login anymore !
Blacklisted IP addresses get a 403 error when trying to logon, and the activity log displays an ‘access denied’ event.
Keep in mind that this plugin is not security oriented. There are lots of plugins that specifically deal with security.
Thanks to Venntom for finding a lot of bugs each time I release a new version, and for helping me fix them.
Translations :
- French
- Italian (Thx to Luca – partially translated up to v1.2)
- Turkish (Thx to Can KAYA – translated up to v1.2)
- Spanish (Thx to Cscean – translated up to v1.3)
- Romanian (Thx to Web Geeks – translated up to v1.7)
- Dutch (Thx to Tom – translated up to v1.8.1)
- Russian (Thx to Semyon Nikiforov – partially translated)
(If you translated my plugin, please send the translated .po file at cedric@driczone.net )
Plugin page (French blog but feel free to comment in english)
I my plugin doesn’t fit your needs, you can also try ThreeWP Activity Monitor by Edward Mindeantre.
Resources used :
- Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com)
- Flot jQuery library (http://code.google.com/p/flot/)
frontend display
admin screen – activity display
admin screen – one of the settings tabs
admin screen – stats