WP-AdPunch – #Awesome Notification Bars Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Content Writers and Marketeers seldom have to resort to Pop-ins and pop-outs, for the extra content they wish to highlight.
Most of the time users don’t even see it, and close them before they read them.
Why buy So Many Wordpress plugins, when all you want is available in one Plugin!
WP-AdPunch solves the problem by innovative means of creating advertising space,…
It provides you with #awesome Notification bars for your Wordpress sites.
And these with Responsive Web Design .
WP-AdPunch gives you complete control of how your message is delivered to your website visitors. With WP-AdPunch choose colors according to your theme and deliver any message or advert you want.
WP-AdPunch’s unique plugin allows you to create multiple ad campaigns, and show the WP-AdPunch bar you want on the page you want!!!
More… WP-AdPunch allows you upto two Notification Bars on the same page!!! One bar for the top of the page & one for the bottom.
You can set the same WP-AdPunch bars through the site, or set unique bars to appear on a per post/ page basis.
- Add Newsletter sign ups, and see your email marketing campaigns increase in size.
- Add Social share, follow and profile buttons, to increase your brand image.
- Send Targeted traffic to your product page, squeeze page, or latest blog post.
- Keep your user updated with your latest tweets, by adding twitter feed.
- Customize your WP ADPunch bar with colors, you can change background color, border color, text color & Link color.
- You even have the power to add your own custom CSS to every Bar, to make each bar different.
- You can also set global custom CSS that will effect ALL bars!!!
- Make use of Google fonts to get that look!!! Now thats power!
- WP-AdPunch provides a simple yet powerful Notification Bar with Responsive design.
- Show the same Bars across your site, or show specific Bars on specific pages/ posts.
- Create Unlimited Campaign Ads.
- Have a different Bar for the top of the page and a different Bar for the bottom of the page. Have 2 Bars on the same page.
- Bars have two options, Fixed (Sticky) or float. Fixed or sticky Bars stay in view even after the user scrolls the page. while float scrolls out of view, when the user scrolls the page.
- Create an Ad and assign it to a Single post/ page, whether on the top or bottom of the page.
- Tag an Ad as Global and have it show on all pages, except pages which already have an Ad assigned.
- Choose ‘Display no Ad’, and No ads will be shown on that page.
- Show multiple Social Icons of your choice in the Top or Bottom Bar Ad;
- WP AdPunch adds the (HTML) content of the Bar directly to the HTML of the wordpress page. Bringing SEO benefits of the keywords of the bar content to the Page!
It does not use excessive javascript just to add its content to the page. - Compatible with all major browsers
- Use Google fonts
- Add Custom CSS for each bar, & Global Custom CSS which takes effect on all Bars
- More Modules to come… Keep updated by visiting www.wpAdPunch.com
- First Release