WP Church Donation Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Online giving is a big reason to have a church websites and developing website with WordPress is simple and great solution because it is free, development cost is lower and most importantly there are very large amount of ready-made free as well as paid themes available for Church websites which downgrade the development cost as well as time.
Online giving or we can say receiving donation online is the prime focus of Church websites because now a days majority of donations are made online. WP Church Donation plugin helps church websites for this.
Authorize.net is most widely used payment gateway to process payments online and accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and other variants of cards and best option to receive payment online. Install WP Church Donation Plugin and get started to accept donations through Authorize.net with ease.
WP Church Donation plugin features:
- Integration of Authorize.Net payment gateway to receive donation.
- Accept donation using Credit Card.
- Easy to use Authorize.Net payment gateway settings options at administrator area.
- Place donation form anywhere on the site using ShortCode.
- List of donors along side with details for particular donation and donors at administrator area.
- Facility to export donation and donors list for administrators.
- Email notifications to donors and site owner(administrator) when donation made.
- Easy management of content used in email notification.
- Dynamic thank you page content with editable content at administrator area.
- Allowed custom donation amount.
- Form validations for both client side(using jQuery) and server side(using PHP).
For further information on plugin, suggestion or comments on how to customize the plugin please drop me a contact request from http://freelancer-coder.com. If I will not able to provide complete support I will make sure that I will provide guidelines or some useful information for the addressed situation.
Donation form at frontend with information including message at the top, donation information and donor information.
List of donations received at admin area.
Details of individual donation entry.
Authorize.Net payment gateway settings page.
Management of content including message at the top of donation page, thank you email and thank you message.
Email sent to admin with the donation details.
Email sent to donor with the donation details.