Wp Cycle Text Announcement Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Wp cycle text announcement is a plugin to show the text news with cycle jQuery. Display one news at a time and cycle the remaining in the mentioned location.
Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/04/07/wp-cycle-text-announcement-wordpress-plugin/
Wp cycle text announcement is a plugin to show the text news with cycle jQuery. Display one news at a time and cycle the remaining in the mentioned location. and it is same as my previous plugin RSS news display; except this plugin have separate page to manage the news content. Using this content management page we can create, edit, delete our messages and the same we can display it in the front end. as usual this plugin have separate CSS file to manage the front end style. one more good news is we have option to set the start date and expiration date for the news display.
Features of this plugin
- Simple installation and customization.
- Separate page to manage the news content and setting.
- Four different cycle option.
- Option to set the news display start date.
- Option to set the news display expiration date.
- Separate CSS file to manage the style.
Plugin configuration
Drag and drop the widget:
Go to widget page under Appearance menu, Drag and drop Wp cycle text widget into your sidebar.
Add directly in the theme:
Paste this PHP code <?php wpcytxt('setting1'); ?>
in your theme where you want the announcement to appear.
Short code for posts and pages:
Copy and paste the below given short code into pages or posts to display the news
Short code : http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/04/07/wp-cycle-text-announcement-wordpress-plugin/
After activated the plugin, go to plugin menu on your wordpress dashboard to manage the news content and to configure the setting,
Dashboard ==> Settings ==> Wp cycle text
- English (en_EN) – Gopi Ramasamy
- Serbian (sr_RS) & Spanish (es_ES) – Ognjen Djuraskovic
- Polish (pl_PL) – Abdul Sattar
Front Screen. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/04/07/wp-cycle-text-announcement-wordpress-plugin/
Admin Anouncement Management Screen. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/04/07/wp-cycle-text-announcement-wordpress-plugin/
Admin Setting Screen. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2012/04/07/wp-cycle-text-announcement-wordpress-plugin/