WP Display Users Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin provides that allows you to display Users in any custom template, page and widgetized sidebar. It includes the abilities to display name, description, email, URL.
- Create multiple rules
- Choose user role which you want to display
- Include or exclude user by user IDs
- Display name, description, email or URL in frontend side
- Set limit of user display
- Option to display users as selected order by name, id, etc…
- Option to display users as selected order asc, desc
- Option to set Font Size of username frontside
- Option to set Text Transform of username frontside
- Option to set Font Size of content frontside
- Option to set Content Word Limit of content frontside
- Option to enable Pagination on sidebar widget
- Fully Responsive
[wp_display_user id=rule-id]
You can use the [wp_display_user id=rule-id]
shortcode to display users lisiting in page.
You can also use this shortcode for custom template.
<?php echo do_shortcode("[wp_display_user id=rule-id]"); ?>
** WP Display Users ** is now also on GitHub!
** Anyone can write the CSS for my plugin, I will added it.
User listing screen on custom template, page.
User listing screen on sidebar widget.
Plugin admin screen.
Appearence widget menu screen.