WP Exporter Plus Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin provides functionality to export posts, users, products, orders, top 10 selling products data in CSV.
Dashboard has the widget to show the top 10 most selling products in the dashboard widget. User can also export these products from the dashboard widget.
Display a listing of top selling products using the [wpepcsv_top_selling_pro] shortcode on any page, post.
Display Product Attributes:
limit – The number of products to display. Defaults to 10 when listing products, and -1 (display all) products listing.
EX. [wpepcsv_top_selling_pro limit=”-1″]
Export to CSV option will be shown on bulk action dropdown to export the data.
Here’s a link to the documentation for the plugin. This will help you learn more about its features and how to use it.
For any feedback or queries regarding this plugin, please contact our Support team.