WP Review Slider Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
You work hard for your 5 star reviews, ratings, and positive recommendations on your Facebook page, now you can easily display them on your WordPress site! A great way to boost customer confidence with Social Proof from Facebook and Twitter!
This plugin uses the official Facebook and Twitter APIs unlike other similar plugins that use illegal crawling/scraping methods to download reviews.
Here’s a quick video demonstration of adding reviews in less than 2 minutes!
Allows you to display Facebook recommendations as 5 star reviews or you can show them as normal positive recommendations! A while ago Facebook made the decision to switch from a 1-5 rating scale to either Positive or Negative recommendations. There is a setting in the plugin that will allow you to save the recommendations with a rating value that way they can be displayed with 5 stars.
Updated to include Twitter! Along with Facebook reviews and recommendations, you can now search Twitter and download positive tweets to show off on your site! Create a Twitter slider that includes positive tweets about you!
How it Works:
1) Easily connect to our Facebook app with a couple of button clicks.
2) Click the Retrieve Reviews button to download all your Facebook reviews and ratings in to your WordPress Database.
3) Create a review template and then past the template shortcode in Post, Page, or text widget.
For Twitter:
1) Easily search for tweets mentioning your business or service.
2) Click the download icon next to the ones you want to save to your database.
3) Same as step 3 above.
Visitors to your site will love the social proof provided by this plugin!
Feature List:
- Create a really cool slider. Sort of like an image slider, but with Facebook reviews and Twitter tweets.
- Not in to sliders? Then display them in responsive grid or list.
- Download and display your Facebook page reviews.
- Download and show off tweets from Twitter.
- Create multiple templates to use on your Posts, Pages, & Widget areas.
- Display them using a shortcode, template function, or use our widget.
- Template display options like: show/hide star rating, show/hide date, border radius, background and text colors.
- Choose how many reviews to display per a row and even have multiple rows.
- Sort them by date or show them randomly.
- Use custom CSS if you like.
- Only show Facebook reviews or Twitter posts that include text.
Check out our other free versions!
Upgrade to Pro for More Features:
- US Based customer support via email and a forum.
- Download your reviews from Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google, and 80+ other reviews sites!
- Group your reviews by language, tags, Post Id, or Categories so you can show exactly the review you want.
- Create a summary WooCommerce slider with your latest product reviews!
- Front end review submission form!
- Get email notifications when new low reviews are found.
- Hide certain reviews from displaying.
- Create a really cool summary badge!
- Manually add reviews to your database.
- Download all your reviews in CSV format to your computer.
- Access to 10 Review Template styles!
- Full control over review templates by using child themes.
- Advanced slider controls like: Autoplay, slide animation direction, hide navigation arrows and dots, adjust slider height for each slide.
- Change the minimum rating of the reviews to display. Allows you to hide low rating reviews.
- Use a minimum and maximum word count so you can hide short or long reviews.
- Add a read more link to long reviews which shows the rest of the review when clicked!
- Display reviews by a certain type or mix them all together on one slider (Facebook, Yelp, Google, TripAdvisor, manually input).
- Specify which Facebook page to display reviews from per a template.
- Individually choose which reviews you want to display per a template.
- Display a summary of your review ratings in a Google Search Result. You can automatically create the correct review snippet markup!
- Access to all new features we add in the future!
Create a beautiful review slider on your posts or pages! More styles available in Pro version.
Lots of customizable options. Even input CSS if you want.
All your reviews show up in a list.
Even use it on your sidebar!
Create as many templates as you like.
Now download and display tweets from Twitter!
Easily pick and choose which tweets to download!