WP Favicons Plug-in Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WP Favicons Plug-in Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin puts a recognizable icon before each link; it makes your website lively and
recognizable: Compare listings of dull links to listings with an icon before it: users will
instantly recognize the familiar icons to your benefit. Compare this with the desktop on your
computer: 100 links in plain text or 100 links with app icons, what do you prefer? Exactly!

  • Note 1: this plugin only supports PHP version 5.3 or later (see FAQ)
  • Note 2: this plugin is still in BETA until it is at version 1.0


  • includes a server component and a client component, so you can have a single icon server on
    a high power machine and lots of clients just requesting icons, you could even set up a server
    for your friends (or as a business functionality). However ofcourse you can enable both the client
    and the server if your run this on just 1 installation,
    it also means you can build clients in different languages requesting icons from your server.
  • add icons in content, widget areas, comment area and comment author link each with its own styling.
    If you understand filters in WordPress you can add them to any piece of content.
  • add icons from scanning sites directly, their /favicon.ico, Google and getIcon.org. The more
    providers you add the higher the chance it will get to 100% icons. (however there are some urls
    using conditional javascript redirects to other sites containing the favicons that still slip).
  • image filtes such as converting all icons to PNG. If you understand WordPress filters you can
    add more icon filters to build a nice physical directory with icons in your desired format
  • add default icons (if a site has none), several IDENTICONS is included, you can add more
    default icons if you know WordPress coding a bit.
  • exclusion of filetypes: do not process pdf, zip etc…
  • status icons showing you: good links, redirects and bad links (handy for cleaning). You can
    extend this to all HTTP return codes. 418 however is included if you can find a site that
    returns a 418 🙂
  • lots of developer filters so you can after process image or add your own components in the flow

Low Fat:

The server will search for an icon only every 30 seconds (default) and in the meanwhile use Google
for icons so you will SLOWLY build a good icon base. On top of that the client requests are
transient cached on 1 hour (default) so every unique request only call the server once each
hour (and even then only if a visitor hits that page). On top of that the server has a transient
cache also on 1 hour (default). So … it will build up very slowly with
performance and being nice to your database and providers in mind. However notice that if you have
a lot of outgoing links the server will grow to a large database (it stores all requests and


  • can add their own plugins for each of the modules provided:
  • can add their own plugins to define pieces of content to filter
  • can add plugins to the cache
  • can add plugins for other favicon sources or repositories
  • can add plugins for providing other default icons
  • can add plugins for handling other filetypes content

The plugin uses a plugin framework (GPLv2) so you can also copy the framework and make your
own plugin around it. If you have improvements on it please send them to me.


The plugin is ready for internationalization but since I still intent to make a lot
of changes full translation will happen in a later release. I also need to write
some of the inline help.

Contact Info

contact info:


  1. Example of my sidebar "lifeline" (accidently these are all coming from my delicious account) see what differences it makes!

    Example of my sidebar “lifeline” (accidently these are all coming from my delicious account) see what differences it makes!

  2. Example of my site: http://populair.eu : 4.5 million users really liked the layout with the icons to be much more useable (!)

    Example of my site: http://populair.eu : 4.5 million users really liked the layout with the icons to be much more useable (!)

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