WP-freelance-PRO Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
transconvermify or convert your wordpress site into a full fledged Job posting site.
Attract bids from freelancer and other Professionals while building a solid reference base for professional services.
*** Take note *** : Don’t go into shock when you see your wordpress change drastically. This plugin will install/activate the wp-freelance THEME, thus making your wordpress act very different. To revert back, simply switch themes and you are back where you started !
transconvermification : The act of converting a standard WordPress site into a PRO featured site by clicking just a single button !~(first used in the process of installing wpfreelancepro).
Live Demo’s
http://huureenpro.nl (Dutch)
listing features
. custom post type - run alongside your existing WP
. custom tag & category taxonomies - no interference with existing sites
. silent on-the-fly user registration
. custom comment fields
. prepped for internationalization
. FULL front-end operation - no wp-admin panels for anyone
. integrated google maps - geocoder
. user rating system
. user experience point system
. full wysiwyg front-end editor
. extremely low user interaction threshold
***** PLEASE NOTE !!! *****
At this time WP freelance PRO is still under heavy development.
Expect updates to arrive in short succession until Version 1.0 has been reached.
While this product is now stable and fully functional, you may still be missing
some awesome features that are undergoing testing as we speak.
If you are not satisfied, please do not rate this plugin prematurely but contact us
and let us know how we can improve things.
Together we can make this a plugin that everyone enjoys !
propel it
Want to help with the development of this plugin and have your name listed in the credits ? Become a beta-tester !