WP Keyboard Shortcut Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Best way to create keyboard shortcuts to your site. It will work like as facebook, slack, twitter and other large websites. Keyboard shortcuts makes a website more comfortable to use. WP Keyboard Shortcut not only redirect user to specific page but it also can Show or hide and remove any html DOM element.
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In this free addition there has limited features.
1. Add, Edit or delete option in same page.
2. Works Frontend and Backend.
3. Nice layout on settings page. Admins can easily create shortcuts.
4. If admin select his keycode shortcut when adding or editing a shortcut,, If that shortcut previously used or that shortcut match with Firefox, Chrome and Internet explorer's default shortcut then there will show an alert.
5. There has 3 shortcut mode. 1. URL 2. Show/Hide dom element and 3. Remove dom element.
6. Keycode keys like as virtual real keyboard key.
7. There has info tooltips.
8. URL/URL Tags: It will found on url info tooltip. Shortcut url can be create by shortcut url tag like as {{logout_url}}. So by pressing shortcut keycode user will logged out.
9. URL Target: There has two target to use url. (i)_self : url will open in same tab. (ii)_blank: url will open on new tab.
10. Toggle(Show/Hide) HTML dom element.
11. Remove HTML dom element.
12. And also there has Comment option. This option will help to identified the shortcut easily.
13. Ready .pot file in /languages folder. So, easily can be localize WP Keyboard Shortcut Plugin.
14. Works like as Facebook, Slack, Twitter, Microsoft and other large sites.
15. Site will more comfortable for users and admins with shortcuts.
In free addition, max 5 shortcuts can be create.
Pro Version Features:
1. Unlimited Shortcuts.
2. Vertual Keyboard Like as Mac-OS and Windows.
3. Also able to create Mac-Os keyboard shortcut.
4. Shortcuts can be created for each browser.
5. There has a suggestion button. To see very easy shortcuts for you.
6. There has much more things added.
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