WP Keyword Link Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
A plugin that allows you to define keyword/link pairs. The keywords are automatically linked in each of your posts and comments.|为你的wordpress博客添加关键词的链接,更多的内链和外链,更好的SEO! 面向所有的wordpress中文用户。
You can decided for each link if you would like to:
- Add a “No Follow”
- Match only on the first mention
- Open a new window on clicking the link
- Match any case (ignore case) in the keyword
- Apply the link also to your posts comment section
- Now it also work for Chinese Keyword.
- Multi-language support
- Auto change Post tags to Keyword (New), You can choose turn on or turn off.
- displays a list of posts similar
last updated by 柳城(liucheng.name)
- 完美支持中文关键词链接,分别区分英文与中文关键词
- 对每个关键词进行细节设置(如: 是否匹配多个? 是否匹配评论? 外链还是内链? 是否匹分大小写? 是否新窗口打开等)
- 修正编辑中文关键词时乱码问题
- 解决替换关键词已有链接的问题.文章中已有的链接将不会匹配.
- 解决与WordPress Wiki插件的冲突问题。
- 加入多语言支持。
- 自动把文章的标签转换为关键词(新)。 你可以选择开启或关闭.
- 显示相关文章
v 1.7
- fix bugs
- suport WooCommerce
- suport bbPress
v 1.6.1
- fix bug
v 1.6.0
- fix bugs
v 1.5.5
- fix bugs
v 1.5.3
- fix some bug
Supported Languages:
- US English/en_US (default, Thanks Martijn)
- 简体中文/zh_CN (translate by Lc.)
- German/de_DE (translate by iNovek)
No screenshots provided