WP Logo Slider And Widget Responsive Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WP Logo Slider and widget Responsive is easy to implement slider, Grid and Portfolio Filter with widget plugin for wordpress. With this plugin you can show a list of clients, supporters, partners or sponsors logos in your website. You can create a grid of images with suitable links. This plugin works great on mobile and tablets.
WP Logo Slider and widget Responsive plugin is simple, flexible & powerful.
Plugin Features
- No need of coding skills.
- Within 2 min you can set you logo slider, grid, ticker, Logo Portfolio with using shorcode generater.
- Plugin is very light weight.
- 10+ Design template available.
- Easy to used with any sidebar using widget and it’s setting.
- Custom post type for Logo posting image with category.
- Work with all WordPress theme and WordPress website.
- No need of any settings.
- User & Developer friendly & easy to customize.
- Easy to generate shortcode in this plugin.
- Its easy to use interface allows you to manage, edit, create, and delete Logo with slider, Grid and Portfolio.
- Responsive & columns structures.
- Order options.
- All options works with True/ False.
- Custom link for Logo URL.
- Fully SEO Friendly.
- No extra Code.
Logo slider, ticker, grid and logo portfolio works with 10+ Design template
This WP logo slider and widget responsive contains three shorcode
: Displays Logo in Slider view And Ticker view.[logo_grid]
: Displays Logo in grid view.[logo_portfolio]
: Displays Logo in Portfolio Filter view.
Following all parameter work with shortcode for slider, Grid, Ticker, Portfolio Filter to display partners, clients or sponsors Logo.
For Logo Slider with fully responsive
For Logo Grid(Columns) With Fully Responsive
For Logo Portfolio Filter With Fully Responsive
Common shortcode generater paramaters for Grid, Slider, Ticker and Portfolio Filter view.
- To Set Design Template:
design_template=”template-2″(ie. there are 10+ Design template.) - For use of Category id
like: cat_id=”6″ ( ie. this parameter get logo according to category and 6 is category id.) - To Set Category Name
cat_name=”Sports” (ie. use for category Name and Sports is category name.) - To Set Logo Limit:
logo_limit=”2″ (ie. like: 1,2,3 etc. if Display To all logo use limit=”-1″ (Use for Grid and Slider only)). - To Logo Cell
logo_cell=”3″ ( ie. Set Image in cell(columns) per Row. 3 is a number of columns, option: 1,2,3,4,6) - To Set Order
order”ASC” (ie. Set slider slide Ascending and Descending order. option: ‘ASC’ , ‘DESC’.). - To Set Orderby
orderby=”ID” ( ie. set slider slide with orderby Attribute. option: ‘none’,ID’,’author’,’title’,’name’,rand’,date’). - To Set Click target
click_target=”new-tab” ( ie. on click link behaviour. option: new-tab, same-tab. ie. Click on Image open new Tab as well as same Tab.) - To Set Show title
show_title =”false” (ie. for show logo title. value are true or false.) - To Set Image Size
image_size=”original” ( ie. set Image size, option: thumbnail, original, large, medium). - To Set Hover Effect
hover_effect=”Pulse” ( ie. for hover animation. Option is: Flash, Pulse, Head Shake, Rubber Band, Bounce In, Wobble, jello, Swing, Fade In, Fade Out, Light Speed Out, Rotate In.).
Others shortcode paramaters logo slider only
- To Set Slides Scroll
slides_scroll=”3″ ( ie. set How many slide move at a time in slider). - To Set Pagination Dots
pagination_dots=”false” ( ie. use for slider dots pagination. option: true/false). - To Set Arrows
arrows=”false” ( ie. use for Show Prev/Next Buttons. option: true/false). - To Set Slider rows
slider_rows=”2″ ( ie. Set how many Row at a slide Option: any number). - To Set Autoplay
autoplay=”false” ( ie. set slider slide move automatically. option: true/false). - To Set Autoplay interval
autoplay_interval=”3000″ ( ie. use for transition effects speed between two slide. value in Milliseconds). - To Set Speed
speed=”1000″ ( ie. use for slider slide moving speed. value in Milliseconds). - To Set Center mode
center_mode=”true” ( ie. use for slider slide center automatically. but slider must be set with logo cell with 3. option: true/false). - To Set Loop
loop=”true” ( ie. use for move slide infinite automatically. option: true/false) - To Set Ticker
ticker=”true” ( ie. use for slide infinite move continuously automatically. option: true/false).
Other shortcode parameter for Logo Portfolio Filter only
- To Set Category Limit:
cat_limit=”0″ (ie. how many category get, 0 For All, option is: 1,2). - To Set Category Order
order”ASC” (ie. Set Category Ascending and Descending order. option: ‘ASC’ , ‘DESC’). - To Set Category orderby
cat_orderby=”ID” ( ie. set Category with orderby Attribute. option: ‘none’,’ID’,’author’,’title’,’name’,rand’,date’). - To Exclude Category
exclude_cat=”4,7,8″ ( if you no need some category to dispaly. option: category id). - To Set All text
all_text=”All Clients” (if you change first tab text Option: any text value). - To Set Content words limit
content_words_limit=”20″ (set word limit Option: any numeric value). - To Set Content tail
content_tail=”>>>” (set word limit Option: any value.). - For Extra class
extra_class=”outer-row” (set extra class for some css change. Option: any text value. this class set top of division.).
How to install & Setup Plugin :
How to Install in directory
- Upload the ‘WP logo slider and widget responsive’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Activate the “WP logo slider and widget responsive” list plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Add and create new page and use this short code like:
[logo_portfolio] - If you use in PHP Template Code:
How to Add Logo.
All Logo List.
How to Generate shortcode and how to use widget.
Generate Portfolio Filter shortcode.
Preview Logo in Slider, Grid.
Preview Logo Portfolio Filter.