WP Missing Functions Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Many of WordPress admins spend hours and hours to modify a simple coding, if it was a word in the site or a change of core options, and many spend hours just searching on there theme’s functions or core templates, but not anymore…
When using this Plugin you are saving your self on the installation of more than 15 Plugins, and you don’t need to even write a function in your functions.php file, its all already written and ready for you to activate with a simple click or two, including:
- Add Google Analytics to the footer.
- Change Number of posts on the home page.
- Change Number of posts on the search page.
- Change the length of excerpt in Words.
- Automatically mark all comments with a URL longer than set characters as spam .
- Set the post revisions count unless (no need to modify wp-config.php).
- Delay Your Posts RSS Availability.
- Automatically empty trash after Number days.
- Change Admin footer (Thank you for creating with WordPress).
- Add favicon to head HTML.
- Remove unnecessary links from wp_head (less confusing SEO).
- Redirect to home page after login.
- Hide admin bar from front end for non admin.
- Disable back end access for non admin users.
- Login with both Email/username instead of username only.
- Show only own user uploads media to library.
- Restrict user to upload only jpg,jpeg,png,gif type of media (control your image SEO and image types).
- Stop images getting wrapped up in p tags when they get dumped out with the_content() for easier theme styling and better SEO solutions.
- Call the google CDN version of jQuery for the frontend to save jquery bandwidth and server response time.
- Call Googles HTML5 Shim, but only for users on old versions of IE for better display and server response time.
- Change login screen error messages to “Think you have gone wrong somewhere!” (added security level).
- Show post thumbnail in RSS Feeds for a better images SEO result.
- Disable RSS Feeds.
- Display the Accurate Comment Count.
- Display the hidden all settings Menu link.
- Enable admin to set custom background images in ‘appearance > background’.
- Remove pings to self.
- Sharpening resized jpg images (more images quality and less size = better SEO).
- Enable Server side Gzip without modifying .httaccess file (need to be compiled in apache updates already).
- Prevent user email change from profile.
- Block comments with no-referrer to prevent spamming.
- Remove word “Private: ” infront of title of private post/page.
- Disable the theme/plugin editor in Admin to not allow any unwanted changes from other users.
- Disallow anything that creates, deletes, or updates core, plugin, or theme files.
- No more jumping for read more link.
- Enable custom Breadcrumbs for modyfied themes.
- Disable Search in WordPress.
- Disable Admin nag.
- Remove wordpress version number.
Added plugin Features
- Add a Fixed Percentage charge to all your products on checkout page of Woocommerce.
- Rename additional Information Tab in Products to any Other name in Woocommerce product page.
- Add Text beside the price of product and under it.
- Activate Alternative PayPal E-Mail for each product on it’s own.
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