WP Omen Maps Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Main features:
- Add Google or Yandex map on the site, no coding required!
- Initial map position and zoom level set up.
You can add a map in a post or on a page via adding the shortcode in the text editor:
- [omen_maps_google] – for Google map
- [omen_maps_yandex] – for Yandex map
Maps use settings from the configuration screen by default, but you can change map width, height, initial coordinates and zoom level for the specific map.
For example:
This shortcode will render the Google Map with 300px height and on 12 zoom.
- [omen_maps_google height=”300″ zoom=”12″]
And this will render the Yandex Map with initial screen in Bishkek.
- [omen_maps_yandex lat=”42.873995″ lng=”74.600855″]
Available parameters:
- lat – Latitude
- lng – Longitude
- zoom – Zoom(0-21 for Google map, 0-17 for Yandex map)
- width – Width of the map. Pass 0 if you need full-width map.
- height – Height of the map. Pass 0 if you need a full-height map.
- title – Title for the initial marker.
No screenshots provided